UA news

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  1. University of Derby joins the University Alliance

    University Alliance (UA) has today (13 January 2022) announced that the University of Derby has officially joined the mission group as its fourteenth member. University Alliance represents universities who are leaders in technical and professional education across the UK. Alliance universities are known for their close links with industry, professions and employers, and for their […]

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  2. Middlesex University joins University Alliance

    University Alliance (UA) has today (5 January 2022) announced that Middlesex University has officially joined the mission group, taking the total number of Alliance Universities to thirteen. University Alliance represents the country’s best large to mid-sized universities who are leaders in technical and professional education. Alliance universities are known for their close links with industry, […]

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  3. University Alliance write letter to Schools Minister to raise concerns over ITT market review recommendations

    University Alliance have written a letter to the Minister of State for School Standards, the Rt. Hon. Robin Walker MP, marking their concerns on the Department for Education’s proposed reforms as laid out in the Initial Teacher Training Market review, and encouraging ministers to delay reform proceedings until a more considered approach can be made. […]

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  4. University Alliance responds to DfE announcement on levelling up plans for universities

    Responding to the announcement from the Department for Education today, on ‘levelling up’ university targets to improve student outcomes, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “It is fantastic to hear the minister’s recognition of the crucial role universities have in levelling up the country. Producing job-ready, enterprising graduates goes to the very heart of University […]

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  5. ‘Failing to invest in climate change research could have dire consequences’

    First published in University Business on 15th November 2021 Prof Jane Harrington, vice-chancellor of Greenwich University and board member of University Alliance, says urgent government funding is needed to scale up university-industry research partnerships to find net-zero solutions As world leaders return from COP26 with commitments on how they will tackle climate change, it’s important […]

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  6. DTA Future Societies

    This autumn, Alliance members are coming together to launch the new DTA Future Societies, which is supporting solutions-driven research that tackles the world’s most pressing challenges, with projects guided by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The collaborative research environment of the DTA Future Societies will nurture the potential of our doctoral researchers to generate […]

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  7. University Alliance appoints new Head of Communications & Public Affairs

    University Alliance have appointed a new Head of Communications and Public Affairs. Annie Bell joins UA from Chevening, and will start in her new post at the beginning of December 2021. Coming into post with a wealth of experience in higher education, and with time spent in both marketing and communications, Annie will help University […]

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  8. University Alliance responds to the budget

    In response to the Treasury’s Spending Review today (27th October 2021), University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “Universities will be essential partners in delivering many of the plans announced in today’s Spending Review to level-up the UK, unleash innovation and cement the nation as a science superpower, achieve net zero, and deliver a high-skill economy. […]

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  9. 8 areas that will affect universities in the coming months

    Pro-Vice Chancellor of UWE Bristol, Marc Griffiths, explores 8 areas which will be influencing the landscape for universities over the next twelve to eighteen months, in his thought piece : “A Changing Wind from all Directions”. Through the report, Griffiths reports on factors both good and bad for the sector, and on opportunities for Higher […]

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