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  1. University Alliance responds to OfS consultation on proposed regulatory advice

    University Alliance has published their response to the Office for Students’ consultation on proposed regulatory advice and other matters relating to freedom of speech. Summary We welcome the principle of OfS developing guidance on freedom of speech with practicalexamples. However, UA members have not found the draft guidance as helpful as it could be. Theexamples […]

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  2. UA’s response to the OfS’ report on the financial sustainability of HE

    Professor Jane Harrington, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Greenwich and Chair of University Alliance said in response to the Office for Students’ report on the financial sustainability of higher education providers: ‘Today’s Office for Students’ report presents a stark picture of university finances, and comes at a critical time for the higher education sector. It […]

    Read more of: UA’s response to the OfS’ report on the financial sustainability of HE
  3. University Alliance responds to the Office for Students’ free speech complaints scheme consultation

    University Alliance has published their response to the Office for Students’ consultation on their free speech complaints scheme. Summary The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023 requires the Office for Students (OfS) to operate a free speech complaints scheme. It is imperative that this new scheme runs as effectively and efficiently as possible, ensuring […]

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to the Office for Students’ free speech complaints scheme consultation
  4. Why degree apprenticeships deserve your attention

    This article was originally published in HEPI. Degree apprenticeships. They’re Skills Minister Robert Halfon’s “two favourite words in the English language” and we’re at the beginning of a whole week dedicated to raising awareness and celebrating the many benefits of apprenticeships at all levels (yes this year’s National Apprenticeships Week does clash with World Nutella Day, but that aside…). Armchair […]

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  5. University Alliance writes to Chancellor with cost-neutral recommendations to safeguard technical education   

    Ahead of the Autumn statement, University Alliance has warned the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt of ‘serious financial challenges’ that present a significant risk of ‘a two-tier university system emerging’.   Vanessa Wilson, CEO of University Alliance wrote to the Chancellor suggesting several low-cost or cost-neutral policies to ensure professional and technical universities can continue to excel in […]

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  6. Let’s get strategic

    If you ask any UK Vice Chancellor what’s keeping them awake at night, it’s highly likely to be the financial sustainability of their institution and the wider sector. Years of frozen funding coupled with rising costs are inevitably taking their toll across all four nations. University leaders are also increasingly worried about the impact the cost-of-living crisis […]

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    Susanna Kalitowski