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  1. UA on BBC Newsnight urging for government clarity over the UKSPF

    Our open letter to the Government calling for greater transparency and clarity on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, coordinated and led by UA and backed by a group of 70 universities and businesses, was covered in-depth on Tuesday’s BBC Newsnight.  The segment included an interview from Member of UA’s Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise Network, and […]

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  2. DTA Images of Research Awards winners reflect on their achievements

    The Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA) recently held its Images of Research 2020 competition awards, showcasing the very best of Alliance universities early career research talent and creativity in science communications. A full write-up of the event can be found here. Earlier this year, DTA PhD researchers were invited to submit an image summarising their research, […]

    Read more of: DTA Images of Research Awards winners reflect on their achievements
  3. UA responds to the Government’s plans for post-qualification university admissions

    Commenting on the announcement today from the Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson MP, to review the university admissions system, University Alliance Chief Executive Vanessa Wilson said: “This is a timely call for a consultation to develop a more fair and transparent system of admissions that delivers equity of opportunity for all. “Sharpening up […]

    Read more of: UA responds to the Government’s plans for post-qualification university admissions
  4. UA and 70 others call for clarity and transparency on the future UK Shared Prosperity Fund

    UA, along with 70 national and local organisations from across the country, are urging the Government to provide immediate clarity on how it intends to deliver the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). In an open letter, coordinated and led by UA, the group of 70 universities and businesses including the CBI, call for greater transparency […]

    Read more of: UA and 70 others call for clarity and transparency on the future UK Shared Prosperity Fund
  5. UA responds to Universities UK admissions review

    Commenting on the recommendations from the Fair Admissions review published by Universities UK today, Vanessa Wilson, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “We very much welcome the findings of UUK’s review, and its recommendations which will go some way in building a much improved undergraduate admissions system. “The proposed consultation on post qualification admissions in […]

    Read more of: UA responds to Universities UK admissions review
  6. Alliance universities joined by Minister for roundtable on apprenticeship and skills

    Earlier this week, UA and our member Vice-Chancellors were delighted to be joined by the Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills, Gillian Keegan MP to discuss our shared ambitions and the role Alliance universities can play in upskilling, reskilling and supporting progression through technical routes. Here are some of the key takeaways: T-levels a vital progression […]

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  7. Alliance universities supporting the nation throughout the pandemic

    Over the course of 2020, Alliance universities have been at the forefront of the response to the Covid pandemic, proudly supporting their communities, and the nation, throughout this difficult year. This includes training a significant proportion of the NHS frontline workforce, contributing to lifesaving research, donating vital supplies and facilities, and supporting local community initiatives. […]

    Read more of: Alliance universities supporting the nation throughout the pandemic
  8. Expressive writing project from Kingston University to help Covid-19 healthcare workers overcome traumatic experiences

    A project developed by a Kingston School of Art researcher that aims to help people overcome trauma through expressive writing techniques is to be offered to healthcare professionals around the world who are on the front line of the Covid-19 crisis. The methodology developed by Professor of English Literature and Creative Writing BA (Hons), Dr […]

    Read more of: Expressive writing project from Kingston University to help Covid-19 healthcare workers overcome traumatic experiences
  9. Greenwich study shows the good, the bad and the ugly of COVID-19 enforced work from home

    New research finds that technology used during the pandemic-enforced work from home (EWFH) experience has changed the tools and culture of team collaboration. The study, by researchers at University of Greenwich, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), University of East Anglia (UEA), and Phone Free Day, is the first international empirical study of its kind. Overall, […]

    Read more of: Greenwich study shows the good, the bad and the ugly of COVID-19 enforced work from home