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  1. Tackling global e-waste with Network 2 Supply and Coventry University

    Coventry University have partnered with Network 2 Supply (N2S), a leader in IT lifecycle services, to develop Bioleaching, a technique that uses bacteria to safely extract and recycle precious metals from electronic waste (e-waste). With over 50 million tonnes of e-waste generated globally each year and existing recycling methods cause a loss of precious metal […]

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  2. Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering at Coventry University

    The UK’s First ‘Faculty on the Factory Floor’ Established in 2014, the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) marks a step-change in the way the UK is tackling industry’s well-documented skills and technology gaps. Since establishment, AME has flourished to become an award-winning facility, recognised as the UK’s first ‘Faculty on the Factory Floor’ […]

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  3. Driving SME growth with Birmingham City University

    Birmingham City University has partnered with GBSLEP and GBCC to drive business growth amongst SMEs across Greater Birmingham. Growth Hub is a business growth service launched by the Greater Birmingham & Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) . Growth Hub provides regional SMEs with coordinated, effective first class business advice, links to funding, and business support services. The aim […]

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  4. BCU’s STEAMhouse – embedding the arts with STEM subjects to support businesses and economic growth

    STEAMhouse is Birmingham City University’s innovation centre aimed at encouraging co-working, collaboration and knowledge exchange between the arts, science, technology, engineering and maths (STEAM) sectors as a platform for supporting long-term sustainable economic growth, productivity and job creation. Created in collaboration with local arts organisation Eastside Projects, and supported by the ERDF and Arts Council […]

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  5. STEAMhouse at Birmingham City University

    STEAMhouse is Birmingham City University’s innovation centre aimed at encouraging co-working, collaboration and knowledge exchange between the arts, science, technology, engineering and maths (STEAM) sectors as a platform for supporting long-term sustainable economic growth, productivity and job creation in the West Midlands region. Created in collaboration with local arts organisation Eastside Projects, and supported by […]

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  6. Helping to eliminate malaria in South East Asia and Southern Africa

    Eliminating Malaria by Strengthening Health Programme Management in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa Every year some half a million people die from malaria, a disease which exists in nearly 100 countries. Focus for enhanced malaria programme performance is often placed on the technical challenges, while human and organizational factors are often overlooked. Research conducted by […]

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  7. The Foundry at UWE Bristol

    The Foundry at UWE, Bristol was part-funded by the Institute of Coding and is delivering a range of new courses to tackle skills shortages in digital technology. The Foundry hosts a high-profile calendar of technology outreach and engagement events across cyber security, computer science, creative technologies and STEM subjects designed to widen participation around coding […]

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