General HE policy

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  1. We must support the diversification of academia’s media face

    (Originally printed in Times Higher Education on 22nd August 2021) An initiative by the University Alliance to offer training and support to BAME scholars is an important step in the right direction, says Professor Vini Lander  The recent appearance on the BBC’s Newsnight programme of Stanley Johnson, the prime minister’s father, as an “environmentalist” caused quite a stir. […]

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  2. Alliance universities are fulfilling a civic role within their communities

    University Alliance institutions are supporting their local communities through encouraging volunteering, bolstering social enterprises and designing projects to help local people.  Our universities’ deep roots in their communities, stemming from partnerships with local organisations, businesses and charities, mean that we are established as a significant source of support within the region. Through volunteering initiatives, social […]

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  3. Inspiring young people in Europe to engage with their communities

    Academics at Leeds Beckett University are leading a new international project to empower and inspire disadvantaged young people across Europe and encourage them to be more active within their local communities, using digital technology and online spaces. The academics – led by Dr Erika Laredo, Senior Lecturer in youth work and community development in the […]

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  4. SPARK social enterprise at University of Brighton

    SPARK Social Enterprise The Spark Project enables social enterprises to develop and deliver more sustainable and high impact innovations leading to increased growth. Social enterprises are businesses which: have a social or environmental mission generate at least a quarter of their income through selling goods and services have organisational autonomy and reinvest the majority of […]

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  5. SuNSE: stimulating social enterprise in isolated regions of Northern Europe

    SuNSE, a project designed at the University of Greenwich endeavours to encourage and stimulate social enterprise and entrepreneurship in geographically and/or socially isolated regions in Northern Europe. 2018/21 SuNSE is the first Social Entrepreneurship project to be funded by InterReg North-West Europe (NWE) (€2.6m, 2018-21). It is targeted at geographically and/or socially isolated regions in […]

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  6. Driving the search for City of Culture volunteers at Coventry University

    “Coventry needs you!” – that’s the message to people of all ages and backgrounds across the city who want to get involved in the historic UK City of Culture year by signing up to be a City Host volunteer. Coventry City of Culture Trust in partnership with EnV and Coventry University Students’ Union (CUSU), have launched […]

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  7. Stevenage Welfare Benefits Appeals Project from Hertfordshire Law School

    About the project Stevenage Welfare Benefits Appeals Project, a collaboration between Citizens Advice Stevenage and Hertfordshire Law School, is launching in September 2020 for an initial 6 month pilot. This new service, funded by the Community Justice Fund and the National Lottery, will provide advice, casework and advocacy support to people wishing to appeal the […]

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  8. University Alliance responds to DfE’s Initial Teacher Training Market Review consultation

    Initial teacher training (ITT) should and must evolve in order to maintain and sustain educational standards for current and future generations of pupils – but  there have been fundamental problems with the approach taken in the government’s ITT market review so far, argues University Alliance, the voice of technical and professional universities. Responding to the […]

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