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  1. Reflections on the Stern Review

    Maddalaine Ansell, University Alliance Chief Executive, shared her reflections on the Stern Review with Wonkhe: “Overall, the previous REF worked reasonably well. It increased research quality, encouraged dynamism and, within institutions, helped managers to make strategic decisions. We were therefore pleased that Lord Stern left the bones of it – including assessment predominantly by peer review – […]

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  2. Guardian: Brexit exposed deep rifts in Britain. Universities can help heal them

    Gabriel Huntley, Head of Communications and External Relations writes for Guardian HE Network. The recent EU reference has prompted calls for universities and the scientific community to help repair the divides – economic, cultural, social and regional – the Brexit result exposed. Social innovation taking place within our universities – and their local communities – are […]

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  3. UA/HEA workshop: What is research-led teaching and why is it important?

    Tuesday 20 September 2016, 9.30am – 3pm Church House Conference Centre, Westminster, London The Teaching Excellence Framework is intended to provide a mechanism to measure and reward excellent teaching.  It recognises that this can take many different forms – but one that is highlighted as an area where a university might seek a particular commendation […]

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  4. University Alliance response to the Stern Review

    Commenting on the Independent Review of the Research Excellence Framework led by Lord Stern, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “We are pleased that Lord Stern recommends that the principles of the REF – including assessment predominantly by peer review – should not change. “We do have concerns about submitting all research active staff. […]

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  5. Research Fortnight: All assessment systems come at a price

    This article by Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of University Alliance, was originally published in Research Fortnight on 19 July 2016.  Researchers love to hate the Research Excellence Framework. Some say that it is overly burdensome and expensive. Others think it creates the wrong incentives; encouraging universities to game their way to better results. Yet others […]

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  6. Wonkhe: Amidst the chaos, the HE Bill is a raft that can take us to calmer waters

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell writes for Wonkhe on the need to proceed with the Higher Education and Research Bill now we have a new government. As well as examining the reasons why it is important that the Bill is not put on ice, Maddalaine looks at three key parts that should be amended – or strengthened. Justine Greening, Secretary of State […]

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  7. Students revving up for Silverstone

    No sooner than Lewis Hamilton won a dominant victory at the British Grand Prix to take his fourth career win at the historic track, students from Alliance universities are hoping to emulate his success at the same iconic venue. Racing around Silverstone, they will be competing in one of Europe’s most established motorsports competitions: Formula […]

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  8. Research Fortnight: Caught in the torchlight – Beware of what lurks in the dark corners of the higher education and research bill

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell writes for Research Fortnight on opening up the market to new providers. It is unclear what will happen to the bill, with Brexit, Chilcot and Trident keeping MPs busy before the summer parliamentary recess in less than a fortnight’s time. But it would be a shame if it were dropped altogether, both […]

    Read more of: Research Fortnight: Caught in the torchlight – Beware of what lurks in the dark corners of the higher education and research bill