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  1. Alliance chair gives evidence to BEIS Committee

    University Alliance Chair and Vice-Chancellor of Coventry University, Professor John Latham gave evidence to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee today (Tuesday 8 November 2016). Ahead of the government’s Autumn Statement later this month, Professor Latham discusses how universities are key partners in the delivery of a successful industrial strategy, as hubs for innovation.  Earlier […]

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  2. Wonkhe: Five reasons to back UK Research & Innovation

    Professor Alistair Fitt, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford Brookes University, and Research Lead for University Alliance has written a piece for Wonkhe about the proposals for UK Research & Innovation (UKRI). In the piece, he writes: “To be sure, the statutory basis for UKRI is not without its blemishes. Governance arrangements for the research councils, Innovate UK and […]

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  3. A clearer picture: A guide for arts and cultural organisations engaging with universities

    University Alliance has jointly published a guide with Arts Council England to encourage greater collaboration between cultural organisations and universities. The publication supports small and medium sized arts and cultural organisations on partnering with universities.  Matt Robinson has written a blog about the guide and its aims. We have also published a collection of case studies highlighting […]

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  4. Making places: Universities, the arts & creative industries

    University Alliance is shining a spotlight on universities’ role in cultural leadership, supporting the arts and driving forward the creative economy in their cities and regions. We have published a collection of case studies  highlighting the ways in which universities are acting as custodians and champions of the arts. Click on the image to download the […]

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  5. The Hidden Story

    The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and University Alliance have embarked on an exciting new collaborative project to better understand the complex dynamics of knowledge exchange. I am thrilled to be chairing the project that involves researchers from across the Alliance group of universities (including UWE Bristol and Kingston, Greenwich, Coventry and Sheffield Hallam universities).  It […]

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  6. Supporting arts, culture and the creative economy across our cities and regions

    University Alliance is shining a spotlight on universities’ role in cultural leadership, supporting the arts and driving forward the creative economy in their cities and regions. New guidance to support arts and cultural organisations seeking to partner with universities, produced jointly by Arts Council England and University Alliance, will be launched today at an arts […]

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  7. Plymouth University – producing and promoting art in the South West

    From Francis Drake to the Pilgrim Fathers, Plymouth has always had a spirit of discovery and adventure.  This manifests today in the city’s art, culture and creativity. Plymouth’s geographic remoteness can make it hard for its art and cultural activity to get the recognition it deserves.   Through offering pump priming and advice and guidance, Plymouth has […]

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  8. Adjusting the focus – gaining a clearer picture of university engagement with the arts and culture

    Universities care deeply about the cities and regions in which they’re based, looking to enhance and bring value to their local communities. They contribute in a variety of ways, from the skills ecosystem to reducing inequality, acting as leaders and anchor institutions to draw in investment and create growth. Over the past year, we’ve been […]

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  9. Fixperts share solutions to everyday problems

    A programme set up by a Kingston University professor shares design knowledge that gives people the insight and confidence to fix everyday challenges for others and for themselves. Fixperts is a creative social campaign and design education programme that inspires designers – the ‘Fixperts’ – to help people solve the problems they face – the ‘Fix partners’. […]

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  10. Designing the cars of the future

    Earlier this year Coventry University unveiled plans for a new multimillion pound centre of design excellence – the National Transport Design Centre. It will support UK innovation in the transport industry and boost efforts to bridge a shortfall in essential creative skills. The university also runs an Automotive and Transport Design Course which supports students […]

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