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  1. Research Professional HE: A sense of place

    This interview with our chair Professor John Latham was originally published in the Research Professional HE 8am Playbook. @rachelhall_HE Universities should play to their local strengths, says vice-chancellor. Universities should have a greater say in formulating an industrial strategy that is underpinned by a local place agenda, according to John Latham, who is the vice-chancellor of Coventry University and […]

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  2. THE: Three things we hope the chancellor says in the Autumn Statement (and two we hope he doesn’t)

    On Wednesday 23 November, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, delivers his first Autumn Statement, which is expected to have far reaching implications for the higher education and research sector. In this blog for Times Higher Education, Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell writes about what she hopes to hear from Mr Hammond tomorrow.  She calls on him to […]

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  3. Government must back lifelong learning

    Ahead of the Autumn Statement, University Alliance publishes a lifelong learning manifesto setting out proposals to help learners access higher education throughout their lives. The government has repeatedly talked about the need to promote economic prosperity and resilience. University Alliance’s manifesto argues that the Prime Minister’s promise of a ‘country that works for everyone’ can […]

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  4. Lifelong learning manifesto

    Ahead of the Autumn Statement 2016, University Alliance has published a lifelong learning manifesto setting out proposals to help learners access higher education throughout their lives. Click on the image (right) to download the manifesto or follow this link.

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  5. University Alliance responds to UCAS CEO standing down

    Following the announcement today that Mary Curnock Cook is to stand down as Chief Executive of UCAS at the end of April 2017, Professor John Latham, Chair of University Alliance and Vice-Chancellor of Coventry University, said: “Mary Curnock Cook has led UCAS with distinction through an increasingly complex landscape for universities. It’s no small matter […]

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  6. UA responds to EPI report on tertiary education system

    Responding to the Education Policy Institute’s report by Professor the Baroness Alison Wolf on the tertiary education system, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said:  “University degrees are hugely beneficial, both for the individual and for society. Graduate employment rates and salaries remain much higher than for non-graduates and the evidence shows that higher education […]

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  7. Arts and culture matter in making places

    Faced with the challenge of delivering a small scale secret performance at UA’s Making Places showcase last month, Dr George Burrows, Section Leader and Principal Lecturer in Performing Arts, and his students from the University of Portsmouth, thought innovatively. It is even possible that they have invented an entirely new art form. Their ‘barbershock’ performance turned […]

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  8. Alliance universities awarded funds to develop new degree apprenticeships

    Responding to the government’s Degree Apprenticeship Development Fund announcement, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “It’s great to see that so many Alliance universities have secured funds through the first round of the Degree Apprenticeship Development Fund. Their success demonstrates that close working with industry to produce work-ready graduates is Alliance universities’ bread and […]

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