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  1. UA comments on government amendments to the HE & Research Bill

    Commenting on government amendments to the Higher Education & Research Bill, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “It is excellent news that the government has heeded University Alliance’s call for knowledge exchange activity to be explicitly recognised as part of Research England’s remit within UKRI. “This will ensure critical funding for business-led innovation activity.  […]

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  2. UWE Bristol VC to be awarded CBE for services to Education

    Responding to the announcement that Professor Steve West, Vice-Chancellor of UWE Bristol and former UA Chair, will be awarded the Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE), University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “We are very pleased that Steve’s long and distinguished record of service in higher education has been recognised with this […]

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  3. Capturing Chernobyl’s growing wildlife

    “Chernobyl” – to many this word evokes images of nuclear devastation, a post-apocalyptic world accentuated by the decaying remains of human settlement.  Films, books and computer games have all drawn on this imagery, presenting the area as a lethally contaminated landscape, inhabited by mutants – the stuff of nightmares. So it is perhaps unsurprising that […]

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  4. HEFCE: How higher education can make the industrial strategy a success

    University Alliance Chair and Vice-Chancellor of Coventry University, Professor John Latham, has written an article for the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). He explains the role universities can play in making the UK’s industrial strategy a success. Read the full article on HEFCE’s blog. In our publication, Universities: delivery partners for industrial strategy, we set […]

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  5. UA responds to UCAS End of Cycle Report 2016

    Responding to the UCAS End of Cycle Report 2016, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “More students gained a university place this year than ever before – this is testament to the enduring value of a university education. The rise in the proportion of young people from low-participation neighbourhoods going to university shows the impact of […]

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  6. Written evidence to Commons Science and Technology Committee on UKRI

    The Science and Technology Committee has published its conclusions from its inquiry into setting up UK Research & Innovation. The Higher Education and Research Bill will see the Government create ‘UK Research & Innovation’ (UKRI) — a new organisation of nine ‘councils’ comprising the seven research councils, Innovate UK and Research England. We submitted evidence […]

    Read more of: Written evidence to Commons Science and Technology Committee on UKRI
  7. UA responds to DfE consultation ‘Schools that work for everyone’

    Commenting on the Department for Education consultation, ‘Schools that work for everyone’, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Alliance universities strongly support government aims to improve attainment in schools. Many Alliance universities already sponsor schools and can demonstrate positive outcomes for their students. “The consultation places particular value on universities setting up new schools […]

    Read more of: UA responds to DfE consultation ‘Schools that work for everyone’