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  1. Enabling lifelong learning requires bold action from Government

    Ambitious new policies and approaches are needed so that people can benefit from education and training throughout their lives, argues a new University Alliance publication today.  Lifelong Learning: Ladder and Lifeline responds to the drastic fall in the number of part-time students – down by 44% since 2008/9 – as well as the Government’s recent Industrial Strategy […]

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  2. The Open University

    Lifelong Learning at the heart of everything it does The Open University (OU) was the world’s first successful distance teaching university, founded on the belief that there were many more people who were capable of studying to degree-level than could attend traditional campus universities – and that communications technology could bring them high quality degree-level learning. Since its foundation […]

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  3. CU Coventry

    Creating more flexible learning opportunities to suit diverse student needs CU Coventry – formerly known as Coventry University College – opened in 2012 to offer an alternative to the traditional full-time university experience. Focusing on professional and vocational higher education for school and college leavers as well as those who are already in work, the offer […]

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  4. HEFCE blog: Not all ‘research active’ staff fit into neat categories

    Tom Frostick, Policy and Programmes Manager at University Alliance has written for HEFCE’s blog about the proposal to submit all ‘research active’ staff to the next REF. He examines what it means to be ‘research active’, especially in a rich and diverse sector. “Institutions with a high number of staff doing valuable but non-REFable activities […]

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  5. Alliance universities and global challenges – key facts

    Our report UK Research and Innovation Overseas: A snapshot of University Alliance provides an overview of Alliance institutions’ activity in developing countries and focused on tackling global challenges. Alliance Universities work in 95 low and middle income countries around the world – almost two thirds of the total number eligible to receive Official Development Assistance (ODA) […]

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  6. UK research and innovation overseas: A snapshot of University Alliance activity in developing countries

    The use of academic research to tackle problems in developing countries is an important aspect of international development. It informs policy and practice overseas and directly assists people in extreme poverty. The body of evidence derived from research can improve the quality and reach of international aid. It ensures that support from donor countries can […]

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  7. Alliance universities, global challenges and the future of the GCRF

    University Alliance today publishes a snapshot of the varied work of its member institutions with developing countries to tackle global challenges and inform policy and practice. In the context of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), announced as part of the government’s 2015 aid strategy, the publication UK research and innovation overseas: A snapshot of University […]

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  8. Going Global 2017: registration open

    University Alliance is pleased to be a reciprocal partner of Going Global, the British Council’s annual gathering of education leaders from across the world. At the event, over a thousand delegates will come together to explore collaborative solutions to global issues and discuss the role of higher education. Taking place in London on Monday 22 – Wednesday […]

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    British Council Going Global 2017
  9. UA responds to UCAS’ 15 January deadline data release

    Commenting on UCAS’ 15 January deadline data release, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “While it is positive to see a continued rise in application rates from disadvantaged students, this release highlights a number of areas of concern. Universities play a crucial role in training the health workforce of the future and the stark […]

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