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  1. UA comments on the BEIS Committee report on Industrial Strategy

    Commenting on the BEIS Committee report on Industrial Strategy, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Alliance universities – as hubs for innovation, providing excellent technical and professional education and with close links to industry – are natural partners for making a successful industrial strategy a reality. “The committee is right that for the strategy […]

    Read more of: UA comments on the BEIS Committee report on Industrial Strategy
  2. Business Breakfast on Jazz FM: Interview with UA CEO

    Maddalaine Ansell, University Alliance Chief Executive, has been interviewed by Michael Wilson from Jazz FM’s Business Breakfast show. She discusses the announcement of accelerated degrees in the the amendments to the Higher Education and Research Bill. Click here to listen back to the show on Monday 27 February at 00:09:00 mins to hear Maddalaine’s interview.

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    Jazz FM
  3. The Sun: Universities could hike fees to more than £13k a year in exchange for fast-track 2yr degrees

    Maddalaine Ansell, University Alliance Chief Executive, has been quoted in a story in The Sun about the proposals for Accelerated Degrees, under plans announced by the government. She said: “Accelerated degrees can be a really attractive option for mature students and those who are looking to get into the job market quickly with new skills. “Students […]

    Read more of: The Sun: Universities could hike fees to more than £13k a year in exchange for fast-track 2yr degrees
  4. Yahoo: Universities to offer ‘fast-track’ two-year degrees so students can ‘get back into work quickly’

    Yahoo has also covered the Government’s announcement of proposals for universities to be able to offer fast-track two-year degrees. UA chief executive, Maddalaine Ansell, was quoted in the story. She said: “Accelerated degrees can be a really attractive option for mature students.” You can read our full press release here.

    Read more of: Yahoo: Universities to offer ‘fast-track’ two-year degrees so students can ‘get back into work quickly’
  5. University Alliance welcomes government support for new routes through higher education

    Commenting on the announcement of new amendments to the Higher Education and Research Bill, made by Minister of State Jo Johnson today, Maddalaine Ansell, University Alliance Chief Executive, said: “These amendments significantly improve the Bill, giving the new Office for Students a broader role to support diverse students with new routes through higher education, and more […]

    Read more of: University Alliance welcomes government support for new routes through higher education
  6. Guardian: Conservatives to unveil plans for two-year fast track degrees

    Fast-track degrees with higher annual fees are to be introduced in universities under plans announced by the government. The two-year degrees will cost the same as a three-year course, meaning annual fees for them will be higher. Ministers are expected to table a bill to lift the current £9,000-a-year cap on tuition costs so that […]

    Read more of: Guardian: Conservatives to unveil plans for two-year fast track degrees
  7. The Times: Students to be offered degrees over two years

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell has been quoted in an article by the Times on the plans outlined by ministers for a new generation of fast-track degrees. Universities will be encouraged to provide two-year degrees in return for the right to raise tuition fees, possibly to more than £13,000 a year. Universities Minister Jo Johnson will unveil […]

    Read more of: The Times: Students to be offered degrees over two years
  8. Research Professional: Universities need support for lifelong learning role

    Coverage of our new report on lifelong learning has appeared in Research Professional. We launched our report, Lifelong Learning: Ladder and Lifeline, at an event in the House of Commons hosted by Roberta Blackman-Woods MP, chair of the Universities APPG. Speakers included Open University vice-chancellor Peter Horrocks, former minister for universities and science David Willetts and UCAS […]

    Read more of: Research Professional: Universities need support for lifelong learning role
  9. Making lifelong learning a reality – key facts

    Our report Lifelong Learning: Ladder and Lifeline makes recommendations on how to make lifelong learning a reality so that people can benefit from education and training throughout their lives. The Government’s recent Industrial Strategy Green Paper identified the need for ‘ambitious new approaches’ to enable lifelong learning. Our report shines a spotlight on how Alliance institutions are […]

    Read more of: Making lifelong learning a reality – key facts
    Predicted population distribution of the UK by 2039
  10. Lifelong Learning: Ladder and Lifeline

    University Alliance’s latest Spotlight Report sets out recommendations for government to enable lifelong learning. Ambitious new policies and approaches are needed so that people can benefit from education and training throughout their lives, our new publication, Lifelong Learning: Ladder and Lifeline, argues. Its recommendations include: Creating a centralised UCAS-style system for lifelong learning courses Re-introducing […]

    Read more of: Lifelong Learning: Ladder and Lifeline