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  1. Managing Intellectual Property and technology transfer

    University Alliance submitted evidence to the House of Common’s Science and Technology Committee inquiry on managing Intellectual Property (IP) and technology transfer. Technology transfer and the exploitation of IP is one of multiple ways that Alliance universities forge long-term partnerships with industry. Nestled at the heart of our institutions, it sits alongside consultancy and contract […]

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  2. University Alliance responds to the REF consultation

    University Alliance has responded to the HEFCE consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework. Our submission raises concern about the proposed use of HESA data to determine which staff are returned to the REF and presents a workable alternative. Critical insight is also offered on outputs, portability and institutional-level assessment. Click on the links below […]

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  3. Millions of pounds awarded to tackle barriers to student success

    Projects to tackle barriers to student success led by Alliance universities working in partnership with other education providers have been awarded millions of pounds. HEFCE announced that 17 projects will receive up to £500,000 each over two years from its Catalyst Fund to address differences in student outcomes. A total of £7.5 million will be […]

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  4. University Business: Spring Budget reveals increased investment in STEM education

    Coverage of the Spring Budget 2017 appeared in University Business and featured our statement from UA chief executive Maddalaine Ansell. Among the measures announced by Chancellor Phillip Hammond, the Budget revealed an increased investment in STEM subject research of £300m. Maddalaine said: “Alliance universities educate over 25% of the UK’s STEM graduates and have strength and depth in […]

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  5. Guardian University Awards 2017 Shortlist revealed

    Alliance universities have been shortlisted in 10 out of 15 categories in the year’s Guardian University Awards. The awards give UK universities the opportunity to celebrate their achievements in the sector and worldwide. Eight Alliance universities are recognised in areas including research, teaching and entrepreneurship in the shortlist, announced this week: Kingston University and the University of Salford have […]

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  6. UA responds to 2017 Spring Budget statement

    Responding to the 2017 Budget statement, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Alliance universities educate over 25% of the UK’s STEM graduates and have strength and depth in STEM research, so the additional funds for PhD studentships are welcome alongside funds to attract researchers from overseas. The Research Councils must distribute these funds on the basis […]

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    Spring Budget
  7. Times Higher Education: Should tuition fees be linked to TEF performance? The case for and against

    Following the recent debate in the House of Lords where peers voted in favour of two amendments to the Higher Education and Research Bill, including one which proposed to break the link between the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and fees, UA Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell has written for THE. In the article, Maddalaine sets out the case for linking fees with […]

    Read more of: Times Higher Education: Should tuition fees be linked to TEF performance? The case for and against