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  1. Technical & Professional Excellence

    Technical & Professional Excellence highlights the strength of Alliance universities’ offer to international students and overseas partners. It profiles our global connections and aims to raise the prominence of UK professional and technical education overseas. It has been developed in partnership with the British Council, the GREAT Campaign and Department of International Trade. Alliance universities attract […]

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  2. Supporting Global Britain with new publication and Australia delegation

    University Alliance today publishes a new document aimed at international audiences ahead of a delegation of Alliance Vice-Chancellors visiting partners in Australia to strengthen the group’s international links. The publication titled Technical & Professional Excellence highlights the strength of Alliance universities’ offer to international students and overseas partners. It profiles our global connections and aims to […]

    Read more of: Supporting Global Britain with new publication and Australia delegation
  3. Response to announcement on student finance at Conservative Party Conference

    Commenting on today’s announcement on student finance, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Of the many potential changes to the student finance system which have been mooted in recent weeks, raising the repayment threshold for graduates is the fairest option. It should provide a boost to recent graduates when they need it most. “We look […]

    Read more of: Response to announcement on student finance at Conservative Party Conference
  4. Maddalaine Ansell article on ‘The Comprehensive University’

    Following the publication of the Higher Education Policy Institute’s recent paper The Comprehensive University: An Alternative to Social Stratification by Academic Selection authored by Prof Tim Blackman, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell has written for Research Fortnight’s HE publication responding to its proposals. The text of the article, published by Research Professional, is below in full: Wicked […]

    Read more of: Maddalaine Ansell article on ‘The Comprehensive University’
  5. UA’s comment on Jo Johnson’s speech at UUK conference

    Commenting on Jo Johnson’s speech at Universities UK Conference and the government’s response to the TEF Lessons Learned Exercise, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) has played an important role in highlighting excellent teaching across universities with different missions, but it was always expected to be a work in […]

    Read more of: UA’s comment on Jo Johnson’s speech at UUK conference
  6. UA responds to Government’s EU science and innovation position paper

    Commenting on the Department for Exiting the EU’s Collaboration on Science and Innovation Future Partnership paper, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Collaboration with other European countries is crucial to maintaining the UK’s position as a world-leader in research and innovation. The government is right to prioritise this in its approach to exiting the EU and […]

    Read more of: UA responds to Government’s EU science and innovation position paper
  7. Letter to the Spectator

    A letter from Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell has been published in The Spectator challenging a recent article which argued that the ‘primary purpose of universities should be to create an elite’. She writes, “It is far more important that we have a highly educated population able to rise to the challenges of the 21st century […]

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  8. University Alliance comments on new international student migration data and announcement of official review

    Commenting on the publication of international student migration reports by the Office of National Statistics and the Home Office, and on the UK government’s announcement of a full assessment of the impact of international students in the UK, University Alliance Chair Professor John Latham said: “We are pleased that the Home Office and the Office for […]

    Read more of: University Alliance comments on new international student migration data and announcement of official review