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  1. Debra Humphris, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Brighton, receives CBE in the King’s Birthday Honours List

      Professor Debra Humphris, Vice-chancellor of the University of Brighton and Chair of University Alliance, has received a CBE in the King’s Birthday honours list for her outstanding contribution to higher education.   Professor Humphris has worked tirelessly for the university sector following a 20-year career in the NHS. Originally qualifying as a nurse, Debra’s […]

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  2. University Alliance responds to the initial proposed changes to the Research Excellence Framework (REF)

    In response to the initial proposed changes to the Research Excellence Framework (REF), Vanessa Wilson CEO of University Alliance said:    “We welcome the initial proposed changes to the next Research Excellence Framework. In our consultation response to the Future Research Assessment Programme, we outlined concerns that REF would become a more frequent exercise. We […]

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  3. Lifelong Loan Entitlement: opportunities for learners, choices for universities?

    Since the government consultation response to the new Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) was published in March this year, the higher education sector has had a chance to let the news sink in. Now it’s time to reflect on what the next steps might be. The introduction of the LLE has been long anticipated and was […]

    Read more of: Lifelong Loan Entitlement: opportunities for learners, choices for universities?
  4. University Alliance responds to latest Home Office changes to international student visa routes

    Responding to the Home Office’s latest changes to international student via routes, Vanessa Wilson, CEO of University Alliance, said:   “The UK’s universities are world-leading, with recent analysis revealing that international students boost our economy by £41.9 billion.   It is therefore extremely disappointing to see changes to the Student Route – a highly compliant […]

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  5. “We need to highlight how rewarding a career in health can be”

    Professor Ross Renton, Principal at ARU Peterborough writes about his institution’s approach to developing a skilled healthcare workforce for local needs. Skills needs ARU Peterborough as an institution has been specifically designed to target local skills needs, co-creating the curriculum with employers. That crosses a wealth of areas in the sciences, business and engineering, but […]

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    Ross Renton
  6. University Alliance responds to OfS consultation on sexual harassment and misconduct

    University Alliance responds to the OfS consultation on sexual harassment and misconduct, stating that while they strongly agree that all higher education students should be protected from sexual harassment and misconduct, a new registration condition is not the best way of achieving this. Their preferred response would be for the OfS to monitor compliance with […]

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  7. “Innovation needs to be kick-started”: University Alliance responds to Horizon alternative proposals

    On 6 April 2023, the Government released a prospectus for a potential UK alternative to the Horizon Europe, named Pioneer. In response, Vanessa Wilson, CEO of University Alliance, said: “The whole Higher Education sector has been unanimous that association with Horizon Europe will always be our preference ahead of any alternative scheme.   That said, University […]

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  8. University Alliance responds to the Hewitt Review

    In response to the Hewitt Review, our Head of Policy Susanna Kalitowski said: “We welcome Patricia Hewitt’s review of integrated care systems. In response, the government should produce a strategy for the social care workforce, complementary to the NHS workforce plan, as soon as possible. The review emphasises the value of collaboration in planning the future […]

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    Nursing simulation at the University of Derby
  9. University Alliance responds to HE-BCI consultation on ‘in-kind’ contributions

    University Alliance has submitted their response to the HE-BCI consultation on ‘in-kind’ contributions. See our full written response here. University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “Community and business engagement are a core part of Alliance universities’ mission. We understand that reliable data, including on in-kind contributions, serves valuable purposes for funders and other stakeholders. It […]

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