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  1. Research Fortnight: KEF ‘must have wide scope’ say universities

    Chief executive Maddalaine Ansell has featured in coverage by Research Fortnight on the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) proposals. The story focuses on how university leaders have urged the government to look beyond commercialism and recognise the wide range of interactions between universities and businesses in the forthcoming KEF. You can find our full response here. […]

    Read more of: Research Fortnight: KEF ‘must have wide scope’ say universities
  2. Guardian: The government wants a Brexit deal on science and research, says Jo Johnson

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell is featured in coverage of Science Minister Jo Johnson’s speech to the HEFCE annual conference. The Guardian story explains that, “Johnson… used his speech to unveil a new assessment framework for universities, which will measure how effectively universities commercialise their research. The knowledge exchange framework will sit as a third pillar […]

    Read more of: Guardian: The government wants a Brexit deal on science and research, says Jo Johnson
  3. UA responds to Knowledge Exchange Framework announcement

    Commenting on Jo Johnson’s speech at the HEFCE conference and the announcement of a ‘Knowledge Exchange Framework’, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Alliance universities work with 16,000 businesses, including 11,000 small and medium sized enterprises, and more than two fifths of successful graduate start ups come from our members. So we’d support any […]

    Read more of: UA responds to Knowledge Exchange Framework announcement