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  1. Guardian University Awards – winners and runners-up

    Alliance universities took home top prizes from the prestigious Guardian University Awards last week. They included the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) which picked up the Internationalisation award for its response in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. Sint Maarten, the Dutch-French island where American University of the Caribbean (AUC) was based, suffered major damage to […]

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  2. THE: UK’s elite universities ‘still have social justice problem’

    Times Higher Education has published a piece focusing on Education Select Committee chair Robert Halfon’s speech at a University Alliance-hosted event on degree apprenticeships this week. Commenting that the National Audit Office has warned of a “two-tier system developing where the most disadvantaged attend the lowest-ranked providers”, Mr Halfon said that some universities might not […]

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  3. THE: NUS calls for ‘minimum living income’ for post-16 students

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell features in coverage of the NUS Poverty Commission report in Times Higher Education. The report finds “a clear link between class and poverty in tertiary education”, and calls the government’s review of higher and further education funding in England to create a minimum living income for students. Maddalaine said: “Too often, student […]

    Read more of: THE: NUS calls for ‘minimum living income’ for post-16 students
  4. Wonkhe: Helping everyone get the most out of degree apprenticeships

    Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell has written for Wonkhe on degree apprenticeships to highlight their successes and the challenges in the face of policy uncertainty about their purpose and value. She writes: For some “equal in esteem” can only be achieved by getting the most prestigious universities to offer apprenticeships. Since their prestige generally comes from […]

    Read more of: Wonkhe: Helping everyone get the most out of degree apprenticeships
  5. UA responds to the NUS Poverty Commission Report

    Commenting on the NUS Poverty Commission report, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Too often, student poverty has been missing from debates about higher education funding. The NUS Poverty Commission report is an important corrective to this, highlighting the challenges which many students – particularly those from working-class backgrounds or studying part-time – face […]

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  6. Alliance universities recognised in Guardian University Awards shortlist

    Alliance universities have been shortlisted in several categories for the Guardian University Awards 2018. The finalists were revealed this week following decisions by expert judges from the sector. We will find out the winners at the awards ceremony on Tuesday 24 April Debris Humphris, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Brighton and Treasurer of University Alliance, […]

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  7. UA Chief Executive gives evidence to Public Accounts Committee

    University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell joined a panel of experts to discuss the higher education market at a recent meeting of the House of Common’s Public Accounts Committee. Alongside Maddalaine were Amatey Doku, Vice President (Higher Education), National Union of Students and Dennis Farringdon, Visiting Fellow, Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies. You can […]

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