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  1. THE: English universities hit by apprenticeship funding restrictions

    Acting chief executive Liz Bromley has been featured in Times Higher Education’s coverage of new funding restrictions for degree apprenticeships. The employer-led Institute for Apprenticeships, which is sponsored by the Department for Education, extended its mandatory qualifications policy to degree apprenticeships with updated guidance. This states that for an apprenticeship to offer a degree qualification, it […]

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  2. Impact on policy: Yvonne Parkes

    Yvonne Parkes is in the first year of her PhD at Nottingham Trent University  Yvonne Parkes has been fuelled by a desire to help vulnerable people for many years. Her first role within the caring profession was as a volunteer on a helpline for a national domestic abuse organisation and this led to further employment […]

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  3. Energy case study: Delano Henry

    Delano Henry is in the second year of his PhD at Kingston University  A key challenge for the UK is to transition to a low carbon energy future. Although controversial, the current UK government believes that shale gas has the potential to provide greater energy security, growth and jobs to the UK.  Delano Henry’s project […]

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  4. Energy case study: Ashfaque Alam

    Ashfaque Alam is in the first year of his PhD at Sheffield Hallam University  Ashfaque Alam, a lecturer from Bangladesh, is undertaking a PhD at Sheffield Hallam University producing clean and free energy using sunlight. Solar energy can have a huge impact in developing countries like his home country, empowering those in need and aiding […]

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  5. Healthy ageing case study: Alex Jenkins

    Alex Jenkins is in the third year of his PhD at the University of Lincoln  Alex Jenkins has seen first-hand as a physio assistant how exercise can benefit patients with chronic lung disease. “Patients have told me that they experienced fewer – and less severe – chest infections following pulmonary rehabilitation, a well-established exercise and […]

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  6. Healthy ageing case study: Rosie Donnell

    Rosie Donnell is in the first year of her PhD at the University of Plymouth  When Rosie Donnell was undertaking her undergraduate dissertation project about how the consumption of dietary nitrates improves muscle function, she learned these positive effects are only present in some populations and under certain physiological conditions. Determined to solve this puzzle, […]

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  7. Impact on policy: Matthew Hibbert

    Matthew Hibbert is in the first year of his PhD at Liverpool John Moores University  Matthew Hibbert’s research at Liverpool John Moores University aims to increase understanding of why some LGBTQ+ people engage in sexualised drug use.  Sexualised drug use – including chemsex – can lead to high risk sexual behaviours including unsafe sex and […]

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  8. Flexible, responsive and diverse: the Doctoral Training Alliance marks its three year anniversary

    This summer will see the first cohort of students graduating from the UK’s largest multi-institution doctoral training partnership, first launched by University Alliance in 2015. To highlight the success of its Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA), the mission group is publishing Growing Research Impact (click on the image to download) illustrating the ways the programme has achieved impact […]

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