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  1. DTA Autumn School

    PhD student Sam Capp reflects on his experience of University Alliance’s DTA Programme ahead of the Autumn School this week. The Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA) is a programme designed to enable the UK to compete as a knowledge economy in the 21st Century. In order to achieve this a strong research and innovation ecosystem is fundamental.  The […]

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  2. University Alliance responds to Pearson-CBI Education & Skills Survey

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “University Alliance is not surprised by either the continuing importance that employers attach to technical & professional education or the challenges they foresee in its delivery. Our members across the country highlight many of the same opportunities & challenges to us. It is troubling to see the […]

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  3. University Alliance responds to Education Select Committee report in Value for Money in HE

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “This report is the latest in a long line to highlight several underlying issues in our education system, not least the shocking decline in part-time and mature learners over recent years and University Alliance & its members will continue to engage with policy makers and others to […]

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  4. All Universities need to raise our game on access and participation – University Alliance response to the Office for Students consultation

    University Alliance has responded to the Office for Students’ consultation on A New Approach to Regulating Access & Participation in English Higher Education. Liz Bromley, Acting Chief Executive of University Alliance said: “We agree with the direction of travel. “It’s right all universities are scrutinised, held to account and more transparent. Higher education as a whole still […]

    Read more of: All Universities need to raise our game on access and participation – University Alliance response to the Office for Students consultation
  5. University Alliance comment on UPP Civic Universities report

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “The decline in part-time and adult education has been a deeply troubling trend for the last 20 years. We’ve had report after report warning about the long-term consequences and government after government pledging to tackle it – but we’re still not on track. “So this report is […]

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  6. University Alliance responds to Education Select Committee report on apprenticeships

    Liz Bromley, Acting Chief Executive of University Alliance commented: “The system is not broken but it does need urgent fixing in many areas.The report is right to demand degree apprenticeships are a national strategic priority and key to driving social justice – but it’s not going to happen on its own without major reforms”.    “The levy […]

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  7. University Alliance responds to UUK report on solving future skills challenges

    Commenting on Solving future skills challenges published by Universities UK, University Alliance Acting Chief Executive Liz Bromley said: “We welcome this report’s call for closer collaboration between universities, employers and government to ensure the post-18 education system continues to meet demand for high level technical and transferable skills and allows learners to upskill and reskill throughout their […]

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  8. THE: REF submission rules ‘could increase burden’ on departments

    New rules on staff submissions for REF 2021 were covered by Times Higher Education in a recent story. The coverage includes a quote from Liz Bromley, acting chief executive of University Alliance. She commented: “getting the equality and diversity proposals right” would be a “nagging concern” for group leaders. While funding bodies had clearly “listened carefully to the […]

    Read more of: THE: REF submission rules ‘could increase burden’ on departments