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  1. University Alliance responds to Immigration White Paper

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “Today’s long awaited Immigration White Paper clearly indicates a very different direction of travel for UK immigration policy. We welcome the news that international students will be able to remain in the UK for six months following graduation, and the lifting of the cap for skilled migration. […]

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  2. University Alliance responds to ONS announcement on student loans

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “This review clearly creates some significant policy challenges for government at an already very difficult time. While it is in the public interest that our National Accounts should be as accurate as possible and show a fair reflection of the costs of higher education, we should not let the tail […]

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  3. University Alliance statement on Damian Hinds’ speech on L4/5

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “We are always keen to welcome a greater political focus on the technical and professional education which Alliance universities provide so well. As with any reform the key will be not just warm words, but ensuring that change is implemented at the right pace, with correct consultation, and […]

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  4. University Alliance comments on new Universities & Science Minister’s appointment

    The University Alliance has commented on the appointment of Chris Skidmore as the new Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research & Innovation. Liz Bromley, Acting-CEO of University Alliance said: “We look forward to working positively and constructively with the new minister.  “We see the sector’s joint-mission with government over the next 12 months as three-fold.” […]

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  5. University Alliance comments on new graduate earnings data

    University Alliance has responded to new research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies on the impact of universities on graduates earnings by 29 – broken down course-by-course and institution-by-institution. The report [LINK] commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE), found attending the university increases women’s earnings by 26% and men’s by 6% compared to non-graduates – […]

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  6. University Alliance comments on proposals to tackle grade inflation

    University Alliance has today commented on recommendations [LINK] to tackle perceptions of grade inflation and build public confidence in students’ final results. The joint-report by Universities UK (UUK), GuildHE and QAA found the number of UK graduates receiving at least a 2:1 has risen by 55%, at an average rate of 5% annually since 2010/11 – […]

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  7. University Alliance Response on Accelerated Degrees

    Liz Bromley, Acting CEO of University Alliance commented: “University Alliance believes that students, institutions and the nation benefit from a higher education system that is flexible and reflects the needs both of modern life, and an increasingly diverse cohort of learners. We welcome the aim of this announcement, which mirrors many of the points raised […]

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