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  1. Alliance Universities Working to Tackle the HE ‘Care Leaver Crisis’

    Alliance members Kingston and Oxford Brookes are two of the eight universities piloting a new project announced today to improve the support received by care leavers in higher education. Currently only 12% of care leavers progress to higher education and these students are twice as likely to drop out than their contemporaries. The government has […]

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    NNECL and UPP foundation logos
  2. University Alliance Backs Joint Commitment on Degree Classifications

    University Alliance has backed new measures to tackle ‘unexplained’ grade inflation and protect the value of degrees. The new sector-wide statement-of-intent sets out how universities will be more transparent about how degrees are classified and to tackle perceptions that courses are being dumbed down. It follows a UK-wide consultation on degree classification led by the UK […]

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    Exam paper
  3. Coventry University Launches Major New Mental Health Pilot

    Yesterday, as part of Mental Health Awareness Week, it was announced that Coventry University, alongside partners from The University of Warwick and West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), was awarded £6.8 million by the Government to tackle poor mental health in the workplace. A sixth of England’s working age (16-64) population suffers from a mental health […]

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    Filled Diary
  4. UUK/NUS Attainment Report – Our Members comment 

    University Alliance was represented by three member Vice-Chancellors on the advisory panel for the Universities UK and NUS’s report “Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Student Attainment at UK Universities: #ClosingtheGap” The report also highlights projects by University Alliance members.   Kingston University Vice-Chancellor Steven Spier “It shouldn’t need stating, but it is simply unacceptable that […]

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    NUS and UUK report title
  5. “EQUALITY IS NOT AN OPTIONAL EXTRA” – University Alliance comment on UUK BAME Attainment Report

    University Alliance has commented on today’s publication of the joint Universities UK and NUS report – “Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic student attainment at UK universities: #ClosingtheGap”   University Alliance Chief Executive Vanessa Wilson said: “Racial discrimination is one of society’s greatest ills. Equality, inclusion and diversity are simply not optional extras. They are integral […]

    Read more of: “EQUALITY IS NOT AN OPTIONAL EXTRA” – University Alliance comment on UUK BAME Attainment Report
  6. We’re failing students unless closing the attainment gap is a priority

    Today sees the publication of a joint report by Universities UK and the National Union of Students into a critical issue affecting the higher education sector – the attainment gap between Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) and white students. It shouldn’t need stating, but it is simply unacceptable that race and ethnicity should have […]

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    mind the gap