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  1. Letter in the Financial Times: what’s miss­ing in the con­ver­sa­tion about uni­versit­ies

    In a letter to the Financial Times, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson talks about what’s missing in the conversations about the current challenges facing the higher education sector. “Robert Shrims­ley’s piece on the crisis in higher edu­ca­tion (Opin­ion, Janu­ary 18) sum­mar­ises the fin­an­cial chal­lenges facing uni­versit­ies in Eng­land well. There’s something miss­ing however in the […]

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  2. Eight Alliance Universities awarded funding to expand degree apprenticeships

    The Office for Students has announced a £12 million investment in degree apprenticeships in England, with over £2m allocated to Alliance universities. Vanessa Wilson, CEO of University Alliance said in response to the announcement: “It’s great to see eight University Alliance members awarded funding to expand their degree apprenticeship offer. Alliance universities have long been […]

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    Vanessa Wilson
  3. Unpacking the TEF narratives: what does teaching excellence at an Alliance university look like?

    The 2023 TEF submissions have been published but, as Jim Dickinson and David Kernohan observed on WonkHE, “there’s no way any human is going to read all of them”. I have however read the institutional narratives from the 14 English members of University Alliance (16 of the UK’s leading professional and technical universities) and have […]

    Read more of: Unpacking the TEF narratives: what does teaching excellence at an Alliance university look like?
  4. 2023 in review

    It’s been another whirlwind year for the higher education sector – and a successful one for the Alliance.  These are my reflections on a few of the stand-out moments from 2023.  1. ‘Must do better’: the House of Lord’s Industry and Regulators Committee reviews the OfS  We kicked off the year by working with our […]

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  5. University Alliance responds to UCAS end-of-cycle data release

    Responding to the release of the UCAS sector level end-of-cycle data today, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: On the drop in acceptances for nursing courses: “Whilst it is heartening to see acceptances are up 2% for midwifery courses, it is worrying that acceptances for nursing courses are down 11% on 2022 levels. The future of […]

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    Vanessa Wilson
  6. ‘What now?’: how adaptations to assessment during COVID-19 can improve inclusivity

    Pandemic learnings   As the public Covid-19 inquiry grinds painfully on, it is appropriate for us in the Higher Education sector to conduct a little reflection of our own.   There is much about lockdown life we all want to forget: the grim headlines, the concern for our loved ones and ourselves, the questionable Netflix binges and […]

    Read more of: ‘What now?’: how adaptations to assessment during COVID-19 can improve inclusivity
  7. University Alliance responds to announcement on legal migration restrictions

    In response to the Home Office’s announcement on legal migration restrictions, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “Targeting international students through threats to graduate work visas shows a failure to recognise both public opinion and the economic reality. Research by Public First has shown that only 9% of the general public think that international students […]

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    Vanessa Wilson
  8. University Alliance responds to the Autumn Statement

    University Alliance, who represent 16 of the UK’s leading professional and technical universities, has responded to the Chancellor’s autumn statement. University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson made the following comments: On investment in innovation and skills “The Chancellor is absolutely right to identify skills and innovation as two of the biggest levers for growth in the […]

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