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  1. University Alliance shares highlights from members’ offerings during National Apprenticeships Week

    For National Apprenticeships Week, we have shared the work that our members’ have been doing, the impact that they are making, and the success stories from their respective apprenticeship offerings. The courses offered at each of our member institutions are multifarious, but the opportunities available are an aspect that they all share. See below some […]

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  2. Virtual panel explores future of apprenticeships in Hertfordshire

    To celebrate National Apprenticeships Week, the University of Hertfordshire hosted a virtual panel event for employers to explore the role apprenticeships will play in Hertfordshire’s economic recovery and how they can better meet the needs of local businesses. Gillian Keegan, Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills, was invited to kick-start the discussion. In her opening statement, […]

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  3. UA responds to Government announcement of further hardship funding

    Responding to the announcement from the Government of additional funding being made available to support students facing hardship, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “Many students are experiencing growing financial hardship as a result of the ongoing disruption from the pandemic. Alliance universities have made significant investments to ensure support reaches those students most in need, including those […]

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  4. UA submission to Ofqual & DfE consultations on summer 2021 grades

    University Alliance welcome the opportunity to make a brief submission to the Ofqual and DfE consultations on arrangements for awarding grades for GCSE, AS and A levels and awarding arrangements for a range of vocational and technical qualifications in summer 2021 focused on the proposed timeline for higher education admissions. Alliance universities accept that there […]

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  5. University Alliance response to the Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 in England second stage consultation

    University Alliance has responded on behalf of our members to DFE’s Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3. Our response can be found here, and summarised as: Alliance universities are very supportive of T Levels as a progression route to a range of higher education provision, and many are utilising their long-standing partnerships with FE […]

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  6. University Alliance submission to OFS quality and standards consultation

    UA response to OfS quality proposals University Alliance has submitted evidence to the OfS consultation on regulating equality and standards in higher education. In principle we are supportive of moves to improve quality and standards in higher education in England. However, our members have significant concerns about a number of proposals in the consultation. Whilst […]

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  7. University Alliance submission to APPG on students

    Submission from University Alliance to APPG Student Inquiry: “Impact of the pandemic with specific reference to students call for rebates in tuition and accommodation payments” Alliance universities have adapted quickly continuing to provide high-quality teaching and learning to students, including targeted and enhanced hardship funding and support. They have invested heavily in providing Covid secure […]

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  8. University Alliance responds to the package of announcements released by the Department for Education

    Papers released today (Thursday 21st January 2021) include the Teaching Excellence Framework review response, the Post-Admissions Qualification consultation and the Interim Conclusion of the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding. Commenting on the publications, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “The package of announcements released today – including the Interim response to the post-18 review, […]

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  9. University Alliance responds to the Government’s Skills for jobs White Paper and Interim Conclusion of the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding

    Commenting on the publication of the White Paper and interim response, University Alliance Chair and Vice Chancellor of the University of Brighton Professor Debra Humphris said: “As the nation looks to build back better from the pandemic, the country will need more people with higher level skills. It is therefore welcome to see the commitment […]

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to the Government’s Skills for jobs White Paper and Interim Conclusion of the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding