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  1. University Alliance responds to the budget.

    Responding to the Chancellor’s 2021 budget, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “Today’s budget brought a welcome confirmation of the Government’s commitment to the UK being a science superpower; an ambition which will be supported by the review of R&D tax relief and super deduction to encourage investment into innovation, and much-needed visa reforms to […]

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  2. Supporting student mental health during the pandemic and beyond

    Written by Vice-Chancellor of UWE Bristol and University Alliance board member Professor Steve West Good mental health enables students to learn, work and strengthen their communities. As universities, it is crucial that we support students who are experiencing mental illness, identifying those at risk and intervening as soon as possible. But we also have a […]

    Read more of: Supporting student mental health during the pandemic and beyond
  3. Digital teaching and learning: time for a blended approach

    Written by Professor Mark Simpson, Pro-Vice Chancellor at Teesside University and member of the University Alliance Teaching and Learning network  Sir Michael Barber’s review of Digital Teaching and Learning provides much food for thought. At the time of the review, I was Chair of University Alliance (UA)’s Teaching and Learning network, so had the pleasure […]

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  4. University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson speaks at Westminster Higher Education Forum (WHEF)

    On Friday 26 February, Vanessa Wilson spoke at the Westminster Higher Education Forum, which was themed around the following topic: ‘Delivering higher education during the pandemic – learning and value, student rights and expectations, and managing the pressure on higher education providers.’ Wilson’s slot was centred on value for students moving forward and tackling key […]

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  5. University Alliance responds to school exams grading announcement

    Responding to the announcement that this year’s A-levels, including Vocational Technical Qualifications, will be based on teacher assessments, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said:  “Today’s announcement offers welcome clarity on the summer admissions process for universities, learners and schools. Alliance universities will continue to be flexible and responsive to support learners to progress to further […]

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  6. University Alliance response to government roadmap announcement

    The UK government have today released their roadmap for easing lockdown restrictions in England. Responding to the news that all students on practical and practice-based courses can return from 8 March 2021, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “A significant proportion of courses delivered by Alliance universities are practical and practice-based, and so we welcome […]

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  7. University Alliance responds to UCAS January 2021 deadline data

    Responding to the latest release of undergraduate application data by UCAS today (18TH February 2021), University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “The latest figures from UCAS show a promising trend in applications, particularly in growing demand for healthcare related courses. Alliance universities train over a quarter of the nation’s nurses, and will play a vital […]

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to UCAS January 2021 deadline data
  8. University Alliance Chair launches LGBTQ+ network for postgraduate researchers with ‘in conversation with’ talk.

    University Alliance (UA) have this week launched a new network for LGBTQ+ postgraduate researchers (PGR’s) studying as part of UA’s Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA) programme. The group aims to bring together researchers who identify as part of the community, to create a supportive peer environment for socialising, enabling academic research connections and to tackle the adverse effects of pandemic isolation within the postgraduate researcher community. To celebrate the launch, DTA PhD […]

    Read more of: University Alliance Chair launches LGBTQ+ network for postgraduate researchers with ‘in conversation with’ talk.
  9. Obsessions with outcomes won’t deliver the flexible revolution

    The government will not succeed in its efforts to increase flexible and modular provision until it ends its obsession with narrow student outcomes, argues Susanna Kalitowski. This article first appeared in Wonkhe, on 09 Feb 2021 With the pandemic-induced recession meaning even greater numbers will be needing to upskill and retrain, never has there been […]

    Read more of: Obsessions with outcomes won’t deliver the flexible revolution
    Susanna Kalitowski