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  1. New publication demonstrates scale of impact delivered by Research and Innovation at Alliance universities.

    A new publication released today (10 March) by University Alliance (UA) showcases how research taking place in universities across the Alliance is delivering local and global impact. Launched to coincide with British Science Week, the publication uses case studies to highlight how Alliance universities work with partners to address real-word challenges, and to deliver research activities that directly benefit people, communities, businesses […]

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  2. Covid-19 research and enterprise

    Bimingham City University UKRI Newton Fund project to boost emergency nursing provision in the Zambia amidst Covid-19 pandemic Academics at Birmingham City University were recently awarded £173,000 from the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Newton Fund, funding projects across the globe to support communities hit by the coronavirus. The project will see nurse academics and […]

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  3. Working with partners

    University of South Wales- Working with Tata Steel The University of South Wales is working with industry giant Tata Steel to help them reduce their energy use and make their business more environmentally and economically sustainable. The University has researched and helped implement a system which takes hydrogen gas produced using electricity and waste carbon […]

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  4. Global impact

    UWE, Bristol- Eliminating malaria by strengthening health programme management in South-East Asia and Southern Africa Every year some half a million people die from malaria, a disease which exists in nearly 100 countries. Focus for enhanced malaria programme performance is often placed on the technical challenges, while human and organizational factors are often overlooked. Research […]

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  5. Local Impact

    The University of South Wales (USW) offering tech support to local SME’s. The Centre of Excellence in Mobile and Emerging Technologies (CEMET) project was launched in March 2017 and has been led by the University of South Wales (USW) to help small businesses across Wales develop cutting-edge technologies and boost productivity. Recieving over £8.9m of […]

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  6. Everyday Impact

    Leeds Beckett University- Addressing the obesity crisis Research at Leeds Beckett University is directly benefiting the health of more than 14,000 children and adults per annum through improved obesity treatment delivered primarily via the NHS and local authorities by LBU’s subsidiary company, More Life. Co-created work with Public Health England (PHE) on a Whole Systems […]

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  7. Diversity and representation

    People are key to successful research. As institutions with diverse student bodies, we have an important role to play in expanding the diversity of R&D talent pipelines, tackling inequalities, and addressing barriers faced by students and staff. Inclusivity is part of UA member’s core values. It is championed at all levels with members recognising the […]

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  8. Support for Early Career Researchers

    University Alliance’s Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA) DTA is a structured PhD training programme run across 19 Alliance universities and partner institutions; one of the largest nationwide doctoral training initiatives across the UK. Building on the research strengths and industry-focus of our universities, the DTA is focused on producing independent, highly-employable researchers with expertise and skills […]

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  9. The DTA celebrates International Women’s Day 2021 with an ‘in conversation with’ talk

    To celebrate International Women’s Day 2021, the DTA brought together four women in leadership roles within the programme, who are at different stages of their career. Following the theme for #IWD this year, Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 world , the ‘in conversation with’ chat was facilitated by Dr Cheryl […]

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  10. Vaccines, R&D and the Budget

    This blog first appeared on the Higher Education Policy Institute on Wednesday 3 March.  With the latest news that every adult in England will be offered a vaccine by the end of July, it is worth reflecting on the immense local and national collective endeavour required to realise this target and, on Budget day, we […]

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    Beth Button