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  1. The Institute for Ethical Artificial Intelligence at Oxford Brookes University

    The Institute for Ethical Artificial Intelligence (IEAI), based at Oxford Brookes University, has quickly established itself as a key player in responding to the opportunities and risks around artificial intelligence in industry and society. The institute has received significant funding to develop use of ethical AI in sectors such as Human Resources and legal, supporting […]

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  2. Working with TATA Steel at the University of South Wales

    The University of South Wales is working with TATA Steel to make its processes greener and cheaper. Spanning sustainability, decarbonisation, carbon capture and data science, a host of research and industrial projects are putting processes in place that will help to limit emissions and improve efficiencies. TATA Steel is working as an industrial partner on […]

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  3. Jobs at HBO and Netflix with University of South Wales

    A unique new partnership with the University of South Wales’s Film & TV School Wales saw students and graduates working on leading television productions. The next generation of filmmakers were given the opportunity to work on leading television productions, thanks to the new partnership. Students worked as trainees in Cardiff’s Wolf Studios, USW graduates have […]

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  4. The Simulation Centre for Public Sector Training at Coventry University

    The Simulation Centre at Coventry University helps organisations across a range of sectors to exercise, train and develop their staff to new levels, including simulated experiences for the public sector and emergency services. The fully immersive virtual environment enables both individual agency teams and multi-agency emergency service groups to train together for scenarios replicating major […]

    Read more of: The Simulation Centre for Public Sector Training at Coventry University
  5. HuffPost Centre for Journalism at Birmingham City University

    The HuffPost Centre for Journalism, within Birmingham City University’s School of Media, gives the next generation of journalists first-hand experience of the media industry, working directly with HuffPost to do media differently. It provides a wealth of opportunities for students, placing them on a global stage and giving them real life experience of how news […]

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  6. Preventing train delays with smart technology at UWE Bristol

    Researchers at UWE Bristol are collaborating with smart engineering solutions company Costain and engineering technology start-up Enable My Team, to develop a system that predicts faults on train tracks and in stations. The technology, currently in development, uses thousands of sensors and 3D modelling, which taps into big data. It will allow engineers to use […]

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  7. The University of Brighton’s Green Growth Platform

    The University of Brighton’s Green Growth Platform is an award-winning green business-innovation network which supports businesses developing clean and green products, services and processes to scale-up. The platform provides access to university facilities and expertise, commercialisation advice, coaching and workshops and an investment readiness programme. It has over 1000 members that has created 300 green […]

    Read more of: The University of Brighton’s Green Growth Platform