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  1. Asha Wijethilake Haputhanthirige

    Asha from Sri Lanka, who is a DTA3/Cofund Energy doctoral researcher at University of Central Lancashire, is addressing the challenges of using renewable energy within society. The expansion of renewable energy is hindered by various social, business management and engineering issues. Asha’s project therefore aims to design and validate energy trading models that can be […]

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  2. Bjarnhéðinn (Badi) Guðlaugsson

    After completing his undergraduate degree at the University of Southern Denmark and Masters at University of Iceland, Badi joined Teesside University in 2019 as part of the first cohort of Horizon2020 co-funded DTA3/Cofund doctoral fellows to undertake a PhD within the School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies. In an attempt to improve energy development […]

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  3. University Alliance appoints new Head of Communications & Public Affairs

    University Alliance have appointed a new Head of Communications and Public Affairs. Annie Bell joins UA from Chevening, and will start in her new post at the beginning of December 2021. Coming into post with a wealth of experience in higher education, and with time spent in both marketing and communications, Annie will help University […]

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  4. How supermarkets can engage consumers to think more about household food waste

    First published in The Grocer New research shows how shoppers can be educated to think more about food and prevent waste, says Dr Cathrine Jansson-Boyd, associate professor in consumer psychology at Anglia Ruskin University The UK forecourt fuel ‘shortage’ and the panic-buying during the first national lockdown are striking and powerful reminders to supermarkets and […]

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  5. University Alliance in support of Elsevier proposal rejection

    As the UK’s Elsevier Negotiation Team reject Elsevier’s (the largest publisher of UK research) most recent proposal on access to their publications for academics – for both reading and publishing – University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson pledges UA’s support: Our universities are fully committed to the approach being taken by the UK’s Elsevier Negotiation Team and support the […]

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  6. University Alliance responds to the budget

    In response to the Treasury’s Spending Review today (27th October 2021), University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “Universities will be essential partners in delivering many of the plans announced in today’s Spending Review to level-up the UK, unleash innovation and cement the nation as a science superpower, achieve net zero, and deliver a high-skill economy. […]

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  7. Alliance universities are taking practical action to tackle the causes and effects of climate change

    The University Alliance group, made up of universities specialising in professional and technical education, are working on urgent, applied research that addresses the challenges of the climate crisis, according to a new campaign launched today. The campaign, launched in the run-up to COP26 next week, will illustrate how Alliance members are working with industry, businesses, […]

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  8. Low carbon building at Oxford Brookes University

    Oxford Brookes’ low carbon building research holds world-leading expertise in the field of carbon mapping, building performance evaluation, low-carbon retrofitting and climate change adaptation of buildings and neighbourhoods. Other related areas of expertise include urban energy modelling using Geographical Information Systems (GIS), smart energy communities and design of low-energy buildings in diverse climates. The group is […]

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