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  1. THE: ‘Stop state cash for PhDs outside elite institutions, says 1994 Group’

    Publicly funded PhDs should become the preserve of the research elite, with doctoral students supported by the state only if they work in departments of a certain standard. The 1994 Group of small research-intensive universities has called for measures that would result in a far greater concentration of doctoral students within the sector. The proposals […]

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  2. THE: ‘Small research stars deploy RAE gains to shine brighter’

    It is a year since the now-familiar “pockets of excellence” were identified by the 2008 research assessment exercise in universities traditionally considered to be teaching-focused. Despite their often shoestring budgets, these units have shaken up the established order, reversing the trend of concentrating funding in an ever smaller number of top institutions. As a result […]

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  3. The Independent: ‘Northumbria University heads South to get the London look’

    Next month, a university in the North-east of England will be opening a southern outpost in London when the University of Northumbria sets up shop in trendy Islington. The Northumbria school of design in Newcastle, which is famous for its fashion degrees and award-winning fashion students, hopes to take the capital by storm with its […]

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  4. University Alliance says investment in HE ‘crucial’ for UK economy

    Responding to the Government’s Grant letter to HEFCE published 22 December 2009 [1] Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said: “Investing public funding in higher education is just that – an investment. “UK universities are generators of economic growth and wealth creation. The UK invests 1.3% of GDP in its higher education sector and universities, in return, […]

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  5. THE: ‘Breadth of quality gives UK edge, says University Alliance’

    Funding the best research wherever it is found across the sector, rather than just in large research-intensive universities, is what has given the UK research base its international edge. This is the message from the University Alliance, the mission group representing 22 “research-engaged” institutions, presenting a new analysis that examines the relationship between quality and […]

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  6. University Alliance report shows that selectivity, not concentration, has driven excellence in UK research

    University Alliance has today published its first report ‘Concentration and Diversity: understanding the relationship between excellence, concentration and critical mass in UK research’. Commenting on the report Director of University Alliance, Libby Aston, said: “Future policy on research concentration has seemed a little uncertain since RAE 2008 results demonstrated that peaks of world-leading research excellence were distributed more widely […]

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    Libby Aston
  7. Evidence highlighted by University Alliance proves that research excellence is not determined by volume alone

    University Alliance has today published its first report ‘Concentration and Diversity: understanding the relationship between excellence, concentration and critical mass in UK research’. Commenting on the report Director of University Alliance, Libby Aston, said: “Future policy on research concentration has seemed a little uncertain since RAE 2008 results demonstrated that peaks of world-leading research excellence were distributed more widely than […]

    Read more of: Evidence highlighted by University Alliance proves that research excellence is not determined by volume alone
  8. Briefing on what Alliance universities are doing to help economic recovery and shaping the new economy

    Suggestions for Opposition Day debate on the future of higher education 1 December 2009 What Alliance universities are doing to help graduates to find employment in a recession Developing graduate skills and entrepreneurialism Graduates enter the job market with world-class employability skills. Example: WOW (World of Work) at Liverpool John Moores University Example: The University […]

    Read more of: Briefing on what Alliance universities are doing to help economic recovery and shaping the new economy