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  1. THE: ‘V-c attacks 'skewed' 1994 Group data’

    The 1994 Group of smaller research-intensive universities presented “skewed” data and “poor research” when making the case for greater concentration of PhD student funding, according to an adviser to the Government’s postgraduate review. Wendy Purcell, vice-chancellor of the University of Plymouth and an external adviser to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills’ review of […]

    Read more of: THE: ‘V-c attacks 'skewed' 1994 Group data’
  2. The Independent: ‘Battle for doctoral funds: Should government cash for PhDs be restricted to the best universities?’

    In the university world, differences of opinion are nothing new. But the outcome of this one might just change the character of higher education itself. Universities are at odds over the future of postgraduate study, with a Government review on the subject, due to report in the spring, setting up sharply diverging views on how […]

    Read more of: The Independent: ‘Battle for doctoral funds: Should government cash for PhDs be restricted to the best universities?’
  3. Briefing on University Alliance key policy areas

    University Alliance represents 22 major, dynamic, business-like universities at the heart of the sector which deliver world-leading research with impact and are actively business-focussed. These universities offer a research-informed, academic learning environment and a culture of entrepreneurialism, equipping graduates for the 21st century. In facts and figures We educate 26% of all UK students 81% […]

    Read more of: Briefing on University Alliance key policy areas
  4. UCAS application data shows significant increases in STEM applications across Alliance universities

    In response to the publication of today’s UCAS figures Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, representing 22 universities at the heart of the sector, said: “The UCAS application figures for 2010 highlight the central role Alliance universities are playing in ensuring that the UK has sufficient science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills – the very skills which […]

    Read more of: UCAS application data shows significant increases in STEM applications across Alliance universities
  5. Future arrangements for quality assurance in England and Northern Ireland

    University Alliance represents 22 major, dynamic, business-like universities at the heart of the sector which deliver world-leading research with impact and are actively business-focussed. These universities educate 26% of all UK students and offer a research-informed, academic learning environment and a culture of entrepreneurialism, equipping graduates for the 21st century. This response follows discussion amongst […]

    Read more of: Future arrangements for quality assurance in England and Northern Ireland
  6. University Alliance warns of consequences of cuts for students who won’t get a place at university

    In response to HEFCE announcement of university funding for 2010-11 Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said: “HEFCE have made sensible proposals in response to  Government spending cuts. Decisions made by the Funding Council have sought to limit the damage of cuts on high quality teaching and research in our universities. We welcome the commitment to continue to fund […]

    Read more of: University Alliance warns of consequences of cuts for students who won’t get a place at university
  7. Alliance Fees report shows myths are more of a barrier than the system itself

    University Alliance report shows that ‘misunderstanding and myths about university fees are causing more of a barrier to entry than the system itself.’ In line with the Independent Review of HE Funding and Student Finance, University Alliance has undertaken a thorough and robust consideration of the evidence regarding the impact of fees.  The report ‘Impact of Fees: A […]

    Read more of: Alliance Fees report shows myths are more of a barrier than the system itself
  8. Alliance response to 1994 Group report on postgraduate provision

    In response to the 1994 Group report ‘Analysis of postgraduate provision at UK universities’ Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said: “This report is a helpful contribution to the evidence base on postgraduate provision but it is not the whole picture. “Alliance universities deliver nearly 20% of all postgraduate provision.  Alliance universities awarded nearly 1,200 PhDs in 2007-08 […]

    Read more of: Alliance response to 1994 Group report on postgraduate provision