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  1. The Times: ‘Parties accused of dodging protests over tuition fees’

    A group of universities is calling for some or all of the £5 billion cost of tuition fees and maintenance loans to be funded by the private sector through sales of bonds, not by the taxpayer, as in Hungary. University Alliance, representing 22 universities including Oxford Brookes, Bournemouth, Plymouth and Nottingham Trent, said that companies […]

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  2. Glasgow Caledonian joins University Alliance

    Glasgow Caledonian University has joined University Alliance, representing 23 major business-focussed universities at the heart of the sector. Professor Janet Beer, Chair of University Alliance, said: “This is an important time for higher education and we are proud to be representing universities with world-leading research, strong links with new industries and a confident business-like approach. […]

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  3. THE: University Alliance’s latest member

    Glasgow Caledonian University has left Million+, which represents newer universities, to become the first Scottish member of the University Alliance. Pamela Gillies, vice-chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian, said the institution was joining the alliance, which represents “major business-focused universities”, at a time when “our collective impact is crucial”. “The ethos and values of our fellow members […]

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  4. Submission to the Independent Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance – Second call for evidence

    Headline responses Review questions In light of short term pressures and longer term trends, how do your proposals for reform ensure the sustainability of the higher education system as a whole? In our other submissions to the second call for evidence, we have outlined some of the key features that should be maintained in order […]

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  5. Proposal for a Graduate Contribution Scheme in England

    University Alliance proposes the reform of ‘top up fees’ in England to introduce a Graduate Contribution Scheme. These proposals build on the best features of the existing student finance system whilst addressing the need for immediate reform in some areas. The Alliance report ‘Impact of Fees: a review of the evidence’, outlines the case for these proposals […]

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  6. University Alliance response to Postgraduate Review

    In response to Adrian Smith’s Postgraduate Review Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said: “Postgraduate provision is vital to the health of the UK economy, society and its research base.  Often the largest provider in the region, Alliance universities deliver nearly 20% of all postgraduate education in the UK – around 95,000 students (Based on 2007/08 HESA data) […]

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  7. HEPI report confirms world-leading research exists across the sector

    In response to the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) report ‘Funding selectivity, concentration and excellence – how good is the UK’s research?’ Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance said: “We strongly welcome further evidence that the distribution of highly cited research is spread across the sector and the conclusion that an explicit policy of concentration cannot be […]

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  8. Budget recognises universities are ‘vital for economic growth’

    In response to Budget announcement of 20,000 additional university places Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said: “We welcome Lord Mandelson’s recognition in today’s Budget announcements that ‘universities are vital for economic growth.’ The 20,000 additional university places will go some way to meeting demand for higher education – both from the applicants and from business. As a new […]

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  9. University Alliance welcomes HEFCE’s ‘sensible proposals’ but warns of consequences for those students who won’t get a place at university

    In response to HEFCE announcement of university funding for 2010-11 Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said: “HEFCE have made sensible proposals in response to  Government spending cuts. Decisions made by the Funding Council have sought to limit the damage of cuts on high quality teaching and research in our universities. We welcome the commitment to continue to fund […]

    Read more of: University Alliance welcomes HEFCE’s ‘sensible proposals’ but warns of consequences for those students who won’t get a place at university