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  1. University Alliance response to HEFCE review of teaching funding method

    Consultation question 1: Do you broadly agree with our statement of the purpose of HEFCE’s funding for teaching? Consultation question 2: Do you broadly agree that our funding method should give institutions the freedom to manage provision in a way that best responds to the needs of students, employers and society? Consultation question 3: Do […]

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  2. Efficiency, leadership and partnership: an approach that delivers shared economic priorities

    In the UK’s global, knowledge-based economy, where 80% of new jobs are in high-skill areas and new and growth industries take a high-tech, high-skill and innovative approach, universities are playing a critical role in driving the UK’s economic future. As well as being generators of economic growth and wealth creation, universities are helping to shape the new economy through […]

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  3. Public Service: Let's do away with the scaremongering over university fees

    As part of our work for Lord Browne’s independent review of student fees, University Alliance found that misunderstanding and myths about university fees are causing more of a barrier to entry than the system itself. UCAS application data shows that the introduction of £3,000 fees along with fee-loans and grants did not have a negative […]

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  4. University Alliance response to cuts in higher education funding

    Responding to the announcement on public spending cuts this morning, Professor Andrew Wathey, Deputy-Chair of University Alliance, said: “Additional cuts are of course unwelcome at this time of uncertainty for higher education, especially before the outcome of Lord Browne’s review is known. However, we recognise efforts to retain some of the badly needed additional student […]

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  5. University Alliance propose a Graduate Contribution Scheme that would allow more students to go to university

    A new ‘Graduate Contribution Scheme’ that would enable the Government to fund a greater number of students has been proposed by the University Alliance. The scheme has won the backing of students and business leaders.  It would reform the current ‘top up fees’ system and would reduce the up front costs to Government by bringing […]

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  6. THE: Alliance contribution aims to reshape fees debate

    University top-up fees would be rebranded as graduate contributions under proposals published today by a group of 23 universities. The University Alliance – which represents institutions including The Open University, the University of Hertfordshire and Sheffield Hallam University – argues that its system would dispel “myths” about an upfront cost to university study and the […]

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  7. THE News in Brief: Glasgow Caledonian joins the fold

    Glasgow Caledonian University has left Million+, which represents newer universities, to join the University Alliance. Pamela Gillies, vice-chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian, said the institution was joining the group representing “major business-focused universities” at a time when “our collective impact is crucial”. A spokeswoman for Million+ said it was “entirely a decision for the university that […]

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