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  1. The Independent: Vince Cable announces 'graduate tax' plan

    Graduates will have to pay more for their university education in the future, Vince Cable said today, under sweeping reforms being considered by the Government. Higher graduate contributions are the “only possible way forward” to make the higher education system fairer and sustainable for the future, the Business Secretary said. Mr Cable was setting out […]

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  2. Comments on the announcements by the Business Secretary

    Commenting on the announcements by the Business Secretary today, Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance said: “This is a welcome announcement from Government. An effectively implemented Graduate Contribution Scheme would address two fundamental weaknesses of the current system – reducing the cost to Government, freeing up money to invest in a higher number of students […]

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  3. How Alliance universities are leading a path through a difficult economic climate

    University Alliance has today published a report that, for the first time, describes the approach adopted by its universities to focus on their strengths and deliver shared economic priorities in a new era of austerity. The publication, “Efficiency, leadership and partnership: an approach that delivers shared economic priorities” takes a refreshing and upfront look at […]

    Read more of: How Alliance universities are leading a path through a difficult economic climate
  4. Comment on report by Dr Ralph Kenna into research concentration and quality

    Commenting on a report by Dr Ralph Kenna into research concentration and quality, Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said: “The report is a helpful contribution to the consideration of research concentration and diversity, and the importance of communication within research departments. “It supports an earlier University Alliance publication demonstrating the importance of funding research […]

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  5. Guardian: The bank that likes to say och aye

    Grameen bank project set to help Glasgow’s poorer communities. A UK university has teamed up with Nobel prizewinner Mohammad Yunus, of microbanking fame. Gillies, a community health specialist, understood that providing economic opportunities for women – the principle behind Yunus’s renowned Grameen bank – was key to improving health and social outcomes for the most […]

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  6. Comment for the Times Higher Education on VAT incentives for shared services

    Comment for the Times Higher Education on VAT incentives for shared services. A forthcoming report by University Alliance into efficient and effective use of public funds by universities will recommend that the government reviews its position on VAT for shared services. Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said: “By implementing a more flexible framework to […]

    Read more of: Comment for the Times Higher Education on VAT incentives for shared services
  7. Comment to the Times Higher Education following Vince Cable’s comments on development in education

    Speaking to the Times Higher Education following Vince Cable’s comments on development in education, Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said: “Recent growth in student numbers has not been the result of a target, it’s been about aspirations. In the UK’s global, knowledge-based economy, where 80% of new jobs are in high-skill areas, it is […]

    Read more of: Comment to the Times Higher Education following Vince Cable’s comments on development in education
  8. THE: Careers-guidance statements demanded as Willetts unveils choice agenda

    Every university will be asked to state how they prepare students for the world of work by David Willetts’ opening salvo to improve transparency in the sector. The Higher Education Funding Council for England is to write to institutions asking them to produce Graduate Employability Statements explaining how they support students in areas such as […]

    Read more of: THE: Careers-guidance statements demanded as Willetts unveils choice agenda