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  1. Telegraph interview with Libby Aston – "Universities are not setting high fees for reasons of 'prestige', university leader claims"

    Fees of less than £7,000 would have a “direct impact” on the quality of courses since the cost of running many degree programmes is already between £7,000 and £10,000, according to Libby Aston, director of University Alliance. Universities must be able to provide quality courses to students which cannot be done through “cut price” alternatives, […]

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  2. Sunday Times interview with Libby Aston – "Top uni tuition fees 'are not for prestige'"

    Fees of less than £7,000 would have a “direct impact” on the quality of courses since the cost of running many degree programmes is already between £7,000 and £10,000, according to Libby Aston, director of University Alliance. Universities must be able to provide quality courses to students which cannot be done through “cut price” alternatives, […]

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  3. BBC – “Student visa limits dire for universities and economy” says Libby Aston

    Libby Aston, director of the University Alliance of larger, business-focused universities said: “This is not about bogus language colleges. These changes would have serious consequences for universities across the country and will be yet another blow to the economy. Now is not the time to be taking spenders and knowledge out of the economy nor […]

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  4. Universities are driving growth through innovation and enterprise

    Following the Science and Technology Select Committee’s report on Technology Innovation Centres Libby Aston, Director at University Alliance, said “Universities are driving growth through innovation and enterprise; they are not just part of a growth strategy, they are central to it. Technology Innovation Centres will be part of a much bigger picture of joining university […]

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  5. Government must lead the race to the top

    Responding to the HEFCE funding for 2011-12 Libby Aston said, “We’re now starting to see what these cuts mean for universities. While we support HEFCE’s approach to managing the reduced allocation, we must again question whether the total level of public and private investment in universities is sufficient. “Despite severe spending cuts in many countries, […]

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  6. Applicants are demonstrating their awareness of what it takes to be competitive

    The UK needs more graduates if we are to come out of this recession able to compete in the global marketplace. Today’s figures are a welcome sign that applications are continuing to grow each year. Given that 80% of newly created jobs are in high-skill areas that require a hightech and innovative approach, universities are […]

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  7. Graduate recruitment survey is good news for graduates and the economy

    Responding to the publication of the Association of Graduate Recruiter’s survey, Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said: “This is great news for graduates. It is particularly striking against the backdrop of the ONS reporting the economy contracted in the last three months of 2010. We strongly believe universities and graduates are key to delivering […]

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  8. University Alliance urges careful investment of limited public funds for 2011-12 and beyond

    Responding to the Government’s Grant letter to HEFCE outlining funding for 2011-12, published on 20 December 2010, Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said: “Nobody likes cuts but we appreciate efforts to protect university funding in a year of significant transition for the sector. The focus now must be on ensuring that the limited public […]

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  9. University Alliance calls for urgent public information campaign about a University Graduate Contribution Scheme

    Following the Commons vote yesterday to increase graduate contributions to universities Libby Aston, Director of University Alliance, said “There is an urgent need for the government and universities to undertake a major public information campaign to address the serious misconceptions about what this decision will mean for students, parents and graduates. We believe these proposals […]

    Read more of: University Alliance calls for urgent public information campaign about a University Graduate Contribution Scheme