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  1. Guardian – The research funding debate: why size doesn't matter

    University Alliance’s report. Funding Research Excellence, finds no relationship between size and quality of research departments. Mark Leach discusses the findings  – read full report here. Research was notable by its absence in the HE white paper, leaving a large hole in the government’s plans for the sector. Recognition of its importance to higher education […]

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  2. New report shows ‘size doesn’t matter’ when it comes to research excellence

    University Alliance today publishes a new report that shows when it comes to research excellence, size doesn’t matter. Funding research excellence, conclusively demonstrates that the Government should not bow to pressure to fund research on the basis of scale; there is no evidence to support the claim that this would produce better research. On the […]

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  3. Funding research excellence: research group size, critical mass & performance

    University Alliance institutions are proud of the world-leading research that they undertake. They have proved their value through the RAE. The main findings of this research are compelling: that the UK should continue a policy of funding excellence wherever it exists. For those that argue that first we must build a critical mass in research […]

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  4. White Paper proposals will narrow access

    In response to OFFA’s decisions on 2012-13 access agreements, Libby Hackett, Director of University Alliance said: “Regardless of OFFA’s decisions on access agreements, Government proposals in the White Paper could have significant consequences for social mobility. “At a time of major change for students and for universities, issues affecting social mobility have never been more […]

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  5. Putting students centre stage welcome, but wider economic vision lost.

    The long-awaited White Paper has arrived. Initial reactions from University Alliance are below. Professor Janet Beer, Chair of University Alliance and Vice Chancellor of Oxford Brookes University said: “We welcome the move to put a high quality student experience at the heart of the White Paper. We have worked closely with Government to ensure that […]

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  6. No one has to pay upfront

    Fees hit the headlines again yesterday after a couple of months off-stage. BIS have just made their student finance campaign material available to ensure consistency of messaging. So I thought it was the best time to write again about why no one should be put off going to university. There are still massive misunderstandings about […]

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  7. University Alliance welcomes Government funding for growth

    In response to the HEFCE announcement of HEIF allocations, Libby Hackett (nee Aston), Director of University Alliance, said: “The strategic significance of this type of funding should not be underestimated. This announcement is a very welcome sign that Government is increasingly recognising the central role universities play in economic growth. Innovation and the commercialisation of research, made […]

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  8. New thinking about the future of HE

    I was pleased to attend the launch of Pearson’s Blue Skies: new thinking about the future of higher education this morning. The publication has brought together a diverse range of viewpoints about what the future should hold for HE and what it is for now. Our contribution entitled Universities at the centre of growth: the […]

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