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  1. Growing the Future event

    On Thursday 3 November University Alliance, together with The Work Foundation, held ‘Growing the future’ event which looked at the role universities play in regional and national growth. Speakers included: Libby Hackett, Director, University Alliance Wendy Purcell, vice-chancellor, Plymouth University Angela Saini, award winning science journalist and author Dr Neil Lee, senior economist, The Work […]

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  2. University Alliance at Party Conferences

    University Alliance officially launched ‘Growing the future: universities leading, changing and creating the regional economy’, during this year’s party conference season. Our team travelled to Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester to speak to decision makers from across the political spectrum on the role universities play in driving economic growth. We also used this opportunity to demonstrate […]

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  3. White Paper stifles student choice and growth of the sector

    In response to the Governments’ consultation on the Higher Education White Paper, ‘Students at the heart of the system’, University Alliance has argued that student choice is likely to be constrained and in the long term, the economy will take a hit if the system cannot grow. Ambitions to achieve sustainability, drive a quality student […]

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    Innovative students
  4. Doubts raised about PQA and AAB proposals as sector responds to White Paper

    Plans for students to apply to university after receiving their A-level results have been challenged as the consultation on the higher education White Paper draws to a close, Jack Groves reports – read full article here. Janet Beer, chair of the University Alliance, argued that the proposals could result in fewer places on “high-demand, high-quality […]

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  5. Report shows universities need recognition as essential to government’s growth plans

    University Alliance has published, ‘Growing the Future: universities leading, changing and creating the regional economy’ which argues that the government needs to take steps to ensure that universities are central to its growth strategy. ‘Growing the Future’ illustrates, through a series of opinion pieces, that universities have a central role to play in realising the […]

    Read more of: Report shows universities need recognition as essential to government’s growth plans