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  1. A guide to student finance

    From 2012, a lot is changing about the way a university education is paid for. The changes may seem big, but they needn’t be daunting, nor should they put anyone off going to university. To help make it easier for people to understand the changes, Martin Lewis and the team at have come up […]

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  2. University Alliance welcomes report and joins call for pause on controls to student numbers

    In the University Alliance response to the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Government reform of Higher Education report, Director, Libby Hackett said: “We are entering a time of incredible change for students and universities. Combined with the new student control measures, the scale and pace of the change against the backdrop of the unknown is […]

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  3. BIS Technical Consultation – a new, fit-for-purpose regulatory framework for the Higher Education sector

    University Alliance has submitted the following response to the BIS Technical Consultation – a new, fit-for-purpose regulatory framework for the Higher Education sector. Download it here.   We welcome the opportunity to respond to this consultation. At this critical juncture for the higher education sector, it is imperative that an appropriate regulatory framework follows the […]

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  4. All better now? Actually Hefce, we feel much worse

    Effort to mitigate AAB and core-and-margin effects spells trouble for post-92s. Simon Baker reports – read the full article here. Libby Hackett, director of the University Alliance group of institutions, said: “The presumption that these universities can take the hit is extremely frustrating. “It comes down to a fundamental lack of value attributed to certain parts […]

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  5. So much more than just a degree

    There has been much reported on the impact that increased fees will have on university applications for 2012-13. University Alliance believes that no one should be put off from going to university because of financial concerns or the myth that demand for graduates will dry up. We strongly believe that the value of a degree […]

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    Students at Plymouth University
  6. Response to Milburn review into Social Mobility and Child Poverty

    Improving social mobility is a great focus and strength of Alliance universities. They have leading graduate prospects and on average over twice as many students from lower-income and under-represented groups compared with the rest of the sector. Universities are contributing to social mobility through opening doors to higher education and breaking barriers into meaningful employment. […]

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