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  1. Universities at the heart of growth

    Apeldoorn Conference: From Sunday 11 to Tuesday 13 March 2012, one hundred delegates from the UK and the Netherlands came together in Manchester to share ideas on how higher education institutions can work better with business and government to promote growth and create jobs during this time of economic uncertainty in Europe. For the UK […]

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  2. Universities Week

    Universities Week 2012 has taken place across the UK showcasing the higher education sector and celebrating the role that universities are playing in the London Olympic and Paralympic Games and the sports industry as a whole. The week was led by Universities UK (UUK) and British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) and culminated in the […]

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  3. Bournemouth VC on proposals to give universities a greater role in A-levels

    Professor John Vinney, Vice-Chancellor of Bournemouth University, joined the PM programme on BBC Radio 4 to discuss proposals to give universities a greater role in A-level design and development. Joining Professor Vinney were Mary Dunnet, a student at Edinburgh University, and Richard Drew, an A-level teacher from South Wales. You can listen to the interview […]

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  4. Three-quarters of universities ‘to cut student places’

    Almost 100 out of 130 universities in England could be forced to take fewer undergraduates this year numbers following the introduction of Coalition reforms designed to drive down tuition fees, writes Graeme Paton here. Libby Hackett, director of University Alliance, said: “Despite continued demand for university places we are seeing significant drops in student places […]

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  5. Response to HEFCE announcement on student number controls for 2012-13

    In response to the announcement by HEFCE on student number controls Libby Hackett, Director of University Alliance, said: “Despite continued demand for university places we are seeing significant drops in student places across the sector with some institutions subject to cuts of 12 per cent in just one year. The places which are being taken […]

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