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  1. University Alliance welcome new national centre of university-business collaboration

    The Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE) announced the launch of a new National Centre for universities and business which will focus on strengthening the strategic partnership between universities and business with a view to driving economic growth and recovery. Libby Hackett, Director of University Alliance, said: “We are genuinely excited about what the […]

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  2. University Alliance asks: what is the vision for the future?

    Libby Hackett, Director of University Alliance, comments on the Government’s response to the Higher Education White Paper, “Students at the Heart of the System”, “We cautiously welcome the Government’s promises to put in place a level playing field for for-profit providers and bring them within the regulatory controls for institutions receiving public funding. Our greater concerns are about […]

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  3. Alliance university chancellors join call urging prime minister to review approach to international students

    Alliance university Chancellors have joined the call to the prime minister urging his government to support the UK’s universities in their efforts to recruit genuine international students. Libby Hackett, director of University Alliance, said: “We give our strong and unequivocal support to this letter and the constructive solution it offers to the Prime Minister. This […]

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  4. Solid blocks versus blurred lines

    We humans like putting things in order.  From an early age we are taught that all things have a place.  When we are faced with complex problems, we seek to create schemas and organise findings in a way that will aid our understanding.  This is all well and good except that sometimes this approach is […]

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  5. THE: Marginal incentive: coalition ‘blinks first in game of chicken’

    The government has made changes to the number of ‘core-and-margin’ places that will be open to bids in 2013. Commenting on the changes, Libby Hackett, director of the University Alliance, said that 60 to 70 per cent of students at University Alliance institutions were on professionally accredited courses, for which demand would be “relatively stable”. […]

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