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  1. Party Conferences 2012

    We have just returned from a busy three weeks of Party Conferences. We ran a series of fringe events on ‘the future of higher education’ and held a number of meetings with parliamentarians from all three parties. Our fringe events were run in partnership with NUS, GuildHE, IPPR and Policy Exchange and each saw a […]

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  2. University Alliance respond to the Milburn Report on social mobility

    In response to the Milburn Report on social mobility and child poverty, Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “Ensuring that capable young people, as well as those looking to change career or gain new skills in later life, can aspire to and access education is fundamental to social mobility and crucial for economic […]

    Read more of: University Alliance respond to the Milburn Report on social mobility
  3. Collaboration by design

    Trans-disciplinary learning at the new University of Salford MediaCityUK campus In October 2012, the University of Salford opened its new MediaCityUK campus to 1 500 students across the broad area of ‘media and digital technologies’. Alongside the new home of 5 departments of the BBC and the largest HD studio block in Europe, with ITV […]

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  4. Prime Minister urged to review international student regulations

    Vice-Chancellors from 22 Alliance universities, and corresponding local chambers of commerce from across the UK, have written to the Prime Minister to urge a review of international student regulations that are threatening to impede economic growth. Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “Counting international students separately within net migration figures was an important […]

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  5. THE – ‘Coalition failed to heed Ucas’ AAB warnings’

    Speaking to Times Higher Education (THE) about changes to student numbers and the introduction of AAB, Steve West, chair of the University Alliance and Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West of England, warned against further deregulation of student numbers. “You don’t start introducing more change and shifts of policy until you know the impact […]

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  6. University Alliance support announcement on international student migration

    University Alliance strongly supports Government intention to report international students separately within net migration figures In response to today’s announcement from David Willetts that the Government intend to publish international student numbers separately within net migration figures, Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance said: “We strongly support this announcement as an important step towards […]

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  7. Comment on release of OECD report 'Education at a glance'

    Commenting on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) ‘Education at a glance’ report, Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance said: “Today’s OECD ‘Education at a glance’ report gives us further evidence that we need more graduates in the UK. The demand for graduates in the UK’s labour market continues to be strong, even […]

    Read more of: Comment on release of OECD report 'Education at a glance'