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  1. Government sending conflicting messages over international students

    Commenting on the Government’s response to the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee report on student migration which confirms it will continue to include students in the net migration figures, Libby Hackett said: “This is sending conflicting and confusing messages following the Prime Minister’s constructive trip to India last week. It is hard to reconcile this […]

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  2. Guardian: Should students be encouraged to set their sights on Russell Group universities?

    A fierce row has broken out over new pressure on schools to focus on getting students into ‘big brand’ universities, writes Anna Fazackerley in today’s Guardian. Libby Hackett, director of the University Alliance, a group of business-focused universities that includes Plymouth and Hertfordshire, calls the new measure a “lazy generalisation” that could “force a school’s hand” […]

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    The University of Huddersfield has overseen and organised an international research project which seeks to understand and alleviate the plight of children who have a parent in jail. The issue is a significant one. Within the EU at any time there are some 800,000 children with an imprisoned parent. It is estimated that a quarter […]

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  4. University of Huddersfield: Inspiring tomorrow’s professionals

    This week we are showcasing the University of Huddersfield and you can find out more about the University below. You can also read Vice-Chancellor Professor Bob Cryan’s blog ‘Great teaching and research a catalyst for economic regeneration’ and read about COPING, an international project overseen and organised by the University which seeks to alleviate the […]

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  5. Continued decline in languages threatens our economic competitiveness

    Last month UCAS announced a 3.5% increase in the number of students applying to university compared with last year. The relief across the sector was palpable as a further decline in applications could have had serious implications for the UK. However, this very welcome news contrasts with a disheartening drop, up to 6.7%, in applications […]

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  6. Our response to the EU budget for 2014-20

    University Alliance responds to the EU Budget for 2014-20 Despite a cut in the EU’s overall expenditure, EU leaders have agreed an increase in research, innovation and education spending for 2014-20. Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance responds: “We welcome this significant increase in the EU’s research and innovation budget for 2014-20. This commitment […]

    Read more of: Our response to the EU budget for 2014-20
  7. Changing economy means demand for university will grow

    In response to today’s figures on applicants in the 2013 UCAS application cycle, Libby Hackett Chief Executive of University Alliance said: “The 3.5% increase across all university applications is not just welcome but essential for the future prosperity of the UK.” “It should come as no surprise that demand for university places is recovering. It […]

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  8. A-Level reforms too narrow

    Today’s A-level reforms, as set out in the Education Secretary’s letter to Ofqual, are far too narrow, with a focus on the few not the many. In response to the reforms, University Alliance Chief Executive, Libby Hackett, said: “Following Ofqual’s thorough consultation process last year we are surprised and disappointed with this announcement. “With over […]

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  9. THE: BIS grant letter suggests most popular destinations will get more places

    The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills released its annual grant letter on 14 January, unveiling funding and policy priorities for 2013-14. The letter, sent to the Higher Education Funding Council for England by Vince Cable, the business secretary, and David Willetts, the universities and science minister, confirms that the grade threshold for unlimited recruitment […]

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