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  1. Our future prosperity is at risk without major reform of HE funding system

    For immediate release University Alliance are today (6 June) announcing plans to look at fundamental reform of the higher education funding system in order to meet the future needs of the economy. The university group has developed a framework for building a robust funding system that aims to put higher education on a sustainable and […]

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  2. Our response to the Witty Review

    Background In response to the Heseltine Review, the government invited Sir Andrew Witty to lead a review to explore how universities can work with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and other local organisations to support growth. The review will consider the government’s industrial strategy and seek to establish which universities are globally competitive in research relevant to the sectors […]

    Read more of: Our response to the Witty Review
  3. HEBCI start up figures

    Newly released HEBCI figures show that universities in the UK contributed £3.4 billion to the economy in 2011-12 through services to business, including commercialisation of new knowledge, delivery of professional training and consultancy. These comprise part of a much wider economic impact. There is much to celebrate. One of the measures reported on is graduate […]

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  4. Harnessing the power of changemakers

    I believe we need to see a major shake-up in our universities that allows them to better respond to the changing global economy. Our universities need to become hubs of social and economic innovation and entrepreneurialism enabling individuals and communities to adapt and grasp the opportunities the new economy presents. We have been thinking about […]

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  5. Investment in excellence will safeguard UK research base

    University Alliance responds to today’s (15 May) announcement that three Alliance universities are to benefit from part of a £50 million investment in cutting-edge research and innovation projects. 16 schemes at institutions across the country have been allocated a share of the money from HEFCE’s Catalyst Fund, working with businesses to support the UK’s economic […]

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  6. Our celebration by the Thames

    The sun shone over the Thames as the great and good of student and graduate enterprise gathered at the Terrace Pavilion in Parliament for the launch of Start-up: a story. The room quickly filled, there was wine and cake, much talk and introductions while the 10 Alliance entrepreneurs, featured in the project, showcased their businesses. […]

    Read more of: Our celebration by the Thames
  7. Celebrating graduates who are turning their business ideas into reality

    Start-up: a story celebrates graduates who are turning their business idea into reality. Their stories give a rich insight into the realities of starting up and the important contribution of our graduates and universities to society and the economy. With economic growth high on the national agenda and employment rates under scrutiny, universities and their graduates have […]

    Read more of: Celebrating graduates who are turning their business ideas into reality