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  1. THE – Medical transfusion won’t save BIS from further bleeding

    Libby Hackett comments on an article looking at possible cuts to widening participation funding. ‘The transfer of £875 million in the medical education and research budgets to the Department of Health to meet spending review targets would be a “box-ticking exercise”, according to Labour’s shadow universities and science minister. ‘And it would leave further savings of […]

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  2. Guardian – UK higher education: why the current numbers don’t add up

    Other nations are expanding their higher education systems, says Libby Hackett of University Alliance. Why not the UK? ‘We talk a lot about the importance of UK students and graduates making well-informed decisions about their futures – but does education policy governing the future of our universities follow that same advice? UK higher education cannot predict or plan for the future […]

    Read more of: Guardian – UK higher education: why the current numbers don’t add up
  3. Huffington Post: Cuts to Support Disadvantaged Students Would Be Dire

    Libby Hackett discussed cuts to widening participation funding in the Huffington Post.  ‘Reports that some universities are lobbying for cuts to government grants that help disadvantaged undergraduates stay on and succeed at university are deeply worrying. At a time when youth unemployment in the UK has reached nearly 1.4million (18.9% of the youth population) and more jobs than ever now […]

    Read more of: Huffington Post: Cuts to Support Disadvantaged Students Would Be Dire
  4. Delivering excellence across the UK

    The future success of economic growth in the UK will be based on the talent and innovation of people from across the country. Universities are the engines to build this capacity and drive innovation and create new industries in all our regions. We need a broad base of high performing universities to support this activity. […]

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  5. How not to deter poorer students from university: our response to Amol Rajan in the Independent

    This is our response to Amol Rajan’s article in the Independent. While it is true that for some universities their record on access is, frankly, shocking, it is not true to say that less people should be going to university or that most university courses are a bad deal for students. Firstly, there is no evidence […]

    Read more of: How not to deter poorer students from university: our response to Amol Rajan in the Independent
  6. THE – ‘Split system on public-private lines, says University Alliance’

    From Times Higher Education England should adopt a dual higher education system split between public-funded courses on the one side and a market-driven, employer- focused sphere of private provision on the other. The University Alliance’s Vision for Higher Education Funding report also argues that undergraduate loans should be made more sustainable by having graduates repay […]

    Read more of: THE – ‘Split system on public-private lines, says University Alliance’