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  1. Our response to the Autumn Statement

    For immediate release University Alliance responds to the announcement of additional places, and a removal of the cap, in today’s (5 December 2013) Autumn Statement. Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance said: “The announcement of additional student places is excellent news for the students, universities and the UK. This shows that the Government are […]

    Read more of: Our response to the Autumn Statement
  2. Congratulations to the winner of our 2013 Christmas card design competition

    We run a design competition for the cover of our Christmas cards every year. This year’s theme for the competition was ‘Global’, in line with our international work. The competition was open to staff and students of Alliance universities and participants were asked to provide a 50 word summary of how their design fitted this theme. […]

    Read more of: Congratulations to the winner of our 2013 Christmas card design competition
  3. Telegraph: Universities ‘will need more money’, say vice-chancellors

    UUK have released a report this morning examining the challenges for universities and government in funding any expansion of student numbers, given the backdrop of current funding restraints. In a Telegraph piece on this report, we have responded saying that that “this does not have to involve an increase in tuition fees.” Libby Hackett, Chief Executive […]

    Read more of: Telegraph: Universities ‘will need more money’, say vice-chancellors
  4. Christmas Card Competition 2013

    We are once again running a design competition for the cover of our Christmas card to be sent to our key stakeholders. If you would like to take part in the competition or advertise it to those who might, please either link to this page or send the below details out. Please note that this […]

    Read more of: Christmas Card Competition 2013
  5. Telegraph – Warning over ‘postcode lottery’ in university admissions

    New HEFCE data out today shows how higher education participation has changed over time and by region. Speaking to the Telegraph Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “This is further evidence that the increase in fees may be driving down aspiration in certain communities, which warrants serious investigation. “The often quoted statistic, that […]

    Read more of: Telegraph – Warning over ‘postcode lottery’ in university admissions
  6. Our response to HEFCE's young participation report

    University Alliance respond to ‘Trends in young participation in higher education’, published by HEFCE which shows how higher education participation has changed over time and by region. Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “This evidence suggests there has also been a decline in participation in areas of the country that have been hit […]

    Read more of: Our response to HEFCE's young participation report