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  1. Closing the Gap: unlocking opportunity through higher education

    University Alliance believe that the social mobility debate in the UK needs a new focus. Higher education is a critical engine of social mobility. The added value delivered by universities, such as Alliance universities, which accept students from a diverse range of backgrounds and achieve some of the highest graduate employment rates, is a great […]

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  2. New report challenges outdated perspective on ‘good’ universities

    A new study from University Alliance shows that focusing solely on access to a certain group of universities based on historical prejudice risks stalling social mobility in Britain. The report, Closing the gap: Unlocking opportunity through higher education, finds that the debate on social mobility and higher education in the UK has been too focused […]

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  3. University Alliance joins campaign for increased female participation in STEM

    University Alliance is working in partnership with educators, industry and government to increase participation in STEM subjects, especially among women. Our pledge announced on 7 May aims to support a change in how women and girls are encouraged to consider technology and engineering careers and the subject choices or vocational pathways that lead to them. […]

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  4. Business-University collaboration consultation response

    We have submitted our response to the Commons Review on Business-University collaboration and are delighted to represent the innovative and market-leading work of Alliance universities. In the UK’s global, knowledge-based economy, where 80% of new jobs are in high-skill areas and new and growth industries take a high-tech, high-skill and innovative approach, Alliance universities are […]

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  5. The Australian – Retention-based funding could add up

    The Australian government should consider funding universities on the basis of student retention rather than enrolments, a new UK report has said. The UK’s Higher Education Policy Institute has published a report by Libby Hackett, the chief executive of University Alliance, comparing the UK system with that of Australia. While focused on what the UK can […]

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  6. A comparison of HE funding in England and Australia: what can we learn?

    A new report, written by Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance, and published by the Higher Education Policy Institute, looks at the comparisons of higher education funding in both England and Australia. The report identifies a number of lessons we can learn from Australia, In particular, addressing the high, and growing, cost of non-repayment […]

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  7. HELP from Down Under?

    As the Australian Education Minister, Christopher Pyne, touches down in the UK on a fact-finding trip, the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) publishes two new comparisons of the English and Australian higher education systems. Nick Hillman, Director of HEPI, said: “England and Australia have many things in common. That includes dealing with the costs of […]

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