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  1. Chemistry World: Science minister replaced in UK cabinet reshuffle

    Professor Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, has been featured in Chemistry World in a story about Greg Clark replacing David Willetts as the new Universities and Science Minister. In the article, Steve welcomed the appointment. ‘The coming months will be critical in thinking about the long-term sustainability and global positioning of UK higher education and we look […]

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  2. University Alliance welcomes Greg Clark MP as Minister of State for Universities and Science

    On the appointment of Greg Clark as Minister of State for Universities and Science, Professor Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, said: “We welcome Greg Clark MP to the important job of Minister of State for Universities and Science. We would also like to thank David Willetts for his outstanding commitment to UK higher education […]

    Read more of: University Alliance welcomes Greg Clark MP as Minister of State for Universities and Science
  3. David Docherty writes about bridging the gap between education and employment

    I was glad to see that University Alliance’s new report into ‘job ready’ graduates focused on the need for businesses and universities to work together to make sure that those leaving higher education have the skills and knowledge that will allow them to succeed, and companies to thrive. Not just because the interaction between universities […]

    Read more of: David Docherty writes about bridging the gap between education and employment
  4. Job ready graduates – what Alliance universities are in the business of producing

    It is amazing that, even now, some people still ask, “what is the role of higher education?” and “what is the value of a degree?” The bottom line is this: in companies and professions across Britain, and in the case of the University of South Wales, over 120 countries around the world, there are graduates […]

    Read more of: Job ready graduates – what Alliance universities are in the business of producing
  5. Job Ready: universities, employers and students creating success

    Our latest report, Job Ready: Universities, employers and students creating success, is based on in-depth interviews with small and large employers, including British Airways, IBM, Marks and Spencer and Bank of America, showing employers are putting graduates at the heart of their strategies to innovate and grow. Download the report here. The report is based on extensive and […]

    Read more of: Job Ready: universities, employers and students creating success
  6. New study shows employers value job ready graduates – especially when they get to work with them before graduation

    A new study being published today based on in-depth interviews with small and large employers, including British Airways, IBM, Marks and Spencer and Bank of America, shows employers are putting graduates at the heart of their strategies to innovate and grow. University Alliance, representing top universities for employability in science, technology, design and the professions, […]

    Read more of: New study shows employers value job ready graduates – especially when they get to work with them before graduation