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  1. Times Higher Education: Priced out of postgraduate education

    A feature by Times Higher Education looking at how post-graduate funding can be fixed, references our HELP proposals launched earlier this year. HELP is a new higher education loan programme which would help every student cover the cost of studying. “Then, in June this year, the University Alliance proposed an Australian-style scheme called HELP UK […]

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  2. Guardian: End of student cap was ‘sprung on universities’, ex-special adviser admits

    Professor Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, is featured in coverage in the Guardian about the Higher Education Policy Institute’s new guide on the removal of student number controls. Professor Steve West, chair of the University Alliance group, which includes Coventry University and Cardiff Metropolitan University, said that government funding should be linked to student retention rates, and […]

    Read more of: Guardian: End of student cap was ‘sprung on universities’, ex-special adviser admits
  3. University Alliance responds to HEPI’s ‘Guide to Student Number Controls’

    University Alliance responds to a guide by HEPI on the removal of student number controls, and the impact this may have on our higher education sector. ​On the issue of quality, ​Professor Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, said:  “The reputation of the UK’s higher education sector lives and dies on its quality, particularly at […]

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to HEPI’s ‘Guide to Student Number Controls’
  4. BBC News online: Money is the key to being a top university, says study

    University Alliance features in a story by BBC News Online about the 2014 World University Rankings published by Times Higher Education magazine – and their new “formula” for top universities.  University Alliance responded to say that using the rankings as a “roadmap” risked missing “the breadth of routes to delivering world-class research and graduates”. “The […]

    Read more of: BBC News online: Money is the key to being a top university, says study
  5. University Alliance comments on the OECD ‘Education at a Glance’ report 2014

    Commenting on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) ‘Education at a Glance’ report 2014, Prof Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, said: “It’s positive that today’s report has revealed that the UK’s high proportion of people with university or college qualifications, with more gaining a university or college qualification than leaving school aged 18. […]

    Read more of: University Alliance comments on the OECD ‘Education at a Glance’ report 2014
  6. University Alliance calls for overseas students to be removed from net migration figures

    The UK’s restrictive policy is affecting our universities’ reputation as welcoming places to study and work. This is harming our economy as well as our universities. In response to the release of the latest Office of National Statistics (ONS) quarterly estimate which has seen net migration to Britain increasing by 68,000 in the past year to […]

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  7. BBC News: Labour urges technical universities for jobs boost

    The publication of the Social Market Foundation’s latest pamphlet, Robbins Rebooted, in which Shadow Universities Minister Liam Byrne sets out his vision for the future of Higher Education, attracted widespread coverage today. Prof Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, was quoted in the BBC News coverage of the story. “Access is not just about getting […]

    Read more of: BBC News: Labour urges technical universities for jobs boost