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  1. Guardian: Vice-chancellors share their expectations for 2015 party manifestos

    Our report on research excellence was highlighted in a quote from John Vinney, vice chancellor of Bournemouth University – which is one of our members.  Prof Vinney was sharing what he wants political parties to include in their 2015 election manifestos in the Guardian Higher Education Network Blog. “I’d like the government to fund excellence in research […]

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  2. Business Leader: Influential business leader calls for government change on overseas students

    A recent blog by Professor Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, calling on politicians to pledge to re-introduce the two-year post-study work visa allowing qualified international graduates to stay in the UK to work for a limited time, has featured in Business Leader. Read the story here.

    Read more of: Business Leader: Influential business leader calls for government change on overseas students
  3. Alliance universities see big increase in share of world class research

    World class and internationally excellent research almost doubled across Alliance universities The results of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework show that Alliance universities have seen a major increase in their share of world class and internationally excellent research. Their combined level of 3 and 4* research nearly doubled to 60%, compared to 35% in RAE2008 […]

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  4. THE: REF results reopen funding debate

    Our chair, Professor Steve West, has been quoted in media coverage of the Research Excellent Framework exercise 2014 in Times Higher Education. The story suggests that the increase in the proportion of academic research classed as world-leading or internationally excellent has reopened the debate about how quality-related funding is distributed. Meanwhile, Steve West, chair of University […]

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  5. THE: Science and Innovation Strategy launched by government

    Professor Steve West, chair of University Alliance, has been quoted in Times Higher Education’s coverage of the Science and Innovation Strategy. Steve West, chair of the University Alliance and vice-chancellor of the University of the West of England, said: “The scale of consultation by the government on the Science and Innovation Strategy was unprecedented and they […]

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  6. University Alliance responds to the Government’s Science and Innovation Strategy

    University Alliance welcomed the long-awaited publication of the Government’s Science and Innovation Strategy today. Professor Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, said: “The scale of consultation by the Government on the Science and Innovation Strategy was unprecedented and they should be applauded for that. “However, it’s disappointing to learn this long-awaited strategy, which should be […]

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to the Government’s Science and Innovation Strategy
  7. Improving Healthcare

    Society and the economy flourish when citizens are able to lead healthy and productive lives. Rising levels of preventable illnesses, the continuing persistence of health inequalities and an ageing population are amongst the great challenges that our health system faces. Alliance universities have a quarter of all UK health teams with world-leading research and educate […]

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  8. Alliance universities allocated almost £9 million of new support funding for postgrads for 2015-16

    University Alliance welcomed announcements by HEFCE today of which universities will receive a share of £50 million during 2015-16. Alongside matched funding, this money will enable 10,000 masters students to receive a £10,000 contribution towards the cost of their studies. All of University Alliance’s universities based in England have been allocated of total of £8,770,000 […]

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