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  1. Cutting-edge astronomical research inspiring the next generation of scientists

    Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool John Moores University’s powerful Liverpool Telescope is pushing the boundaries of scientific research now and in the future, using its world-leading astronomy technology to inspire young people to become the next generation of scientists and engineers. Astronomy continues to revolutionize the way we think about our world, the history of the […]

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  2. Pioneering new technology to treat cancer patients

    University of Lincoln The University of Lincoln has developed new medical imaging technology that could revolutionise cancer treatment. The high-clarity images it produces show the impact of radiation on tumours and assist with detecting the disease in the earliest stages and helping to save lives. DynAMITe, the world’s largest radiation-tolerant silicon imager – 200 times […]

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  3. Grand designs for the eco-buildings of the future

    University of Lincoln New design tools and award-winning sustainable architecture created by researchers at the University of Lincoln are helping the construction industry reduce the massive environmental impact of building. Roughly half of all carbon emissions in the UK come from the use of buildings while the construction process itself is the most energy-hungry of […]

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  4. Turbo-charging the engines of the future

    University of Huddersfield A major new partnership with engineering multinational BorgWarner has led to the University of Huddersfield developing a new Institute dedicated to research into turbo-charged engine technologies. Demand for automobiles is rising. So is concern about greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. One way to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels is to […]

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  5. Ensuring Britain stays ahead of the game in precision technology

    University of Huddersfield An advanced new software tool called SURFSTAND, developed by researchers at the University of Huddersfield with international partners, is improving the quality of nanoscale technology and has informed international standards for quality and compliance. A manufactured product’s surface micro-structure affects its performance, quality and service life. Although a surface may appear flat […]

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  6. Engineering design research putting the brakes on turbulence

    University of Huddersfield Experimental study of the optimal flow of fluid through engineering systems by the University of Huddersfield has transformed braking technology and increased global market sales for their industrial partner. Weir Valves and Control Ltd enjoyed a 75 per cent saving in design lead time and an 1800 per cent increase in annual […]

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  7. Transforming reconstructive surgery through innovative design technologies

    Cardiff Metropolitan University Researchers at Cardiff Metropolitan University are applying their innovative product design techniques and technologies to develop safer and less intrusive surgical procedures. By translating 3D images into a format that can be read by Computer Aided Design (CAD) Systems, they can create highly accurate digital models of a patient’s anatomical structure to […]

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  8. Food research improving safety standards and growing the local economy

    Cardiff Metropolitan University Cardiff Metropolitan University’s research into food safety, working with local businesses, has driven up hygiene standards and contributed to the expansion of the Welsh food sector, creating and securing local jobs. Their expertise informs worldwide practice and policy in food safety. We all enjoy choosing from a wider range of food and drink […]

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  9. Prosopagnosia research helping thousands

    Bournemouth University Bournemouth University researchers have developed new treatments for prosopagnosia – the inability to recognise faces. Their work has led to improved services for those affected by the condition through a new scalable assessment and intervention programmes which could transform the lives of an estimated 300,000 children affected by the condition in the UK […]

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