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  1. New technology improving water quality monitoring

    University of Portsmouth Researchers at the University of Portsmouth have developed a cost-effective technology that has improved the way water quality is monitored. Chemcatcher passive sampling devices have been used to monitor a diverse range of environmental problems, from pharmaceuticals in drinking water to the release of radioactive caesium after the Fukushima nuclear reactor incident […]

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  2. Bringing flight data analysis into the 21st Century

    University of Portsmouth A University of Portsmouth team has revolutionised how flight data from aircraft flight recorders is analysed. Replacing a manual flight-by-flight analytical system, Portsmouth’s work means data can now be analysed automatically by artificial intelligence (AI), saving significant man-hours. As a result a UK-based SME has been able to expand its business in […]

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  3. Research into X-ray imaging improving security screening and public safety

    Nottingham Trent University Pioneering 3D X-ray imaging research at Nottingham Trent University is improving security monitoring and detection worldwide. Patented innovative technology developed from the research has been rolled out by spin-out company, Image Scan Holdings plc, to scanning and inspection devices across the world. Millions of people travel by air every day. To ensure […]

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  4. Improving football player performance

    Liverpool John Moores University Football has significant sporting, cultural and economic impact with reach around the globe. Despite this, the game has long been resistant to evidence-based practice. Football-related research undertaken by Liverpool John Moores University’s Football Exchange (FEx) research group, based within the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES), includes match and training […]

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  5. New diagnostic tools improving treatments for MS patients

    Plymouth University Researchers at Plymouth University have developed new tools to track the progress of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), which are influencing the development of new treatments and helping healthcare professionals modify and slow the progress of the disease. MS is the most common cause of neurological disability and death among young adults, with over 100,000 […]

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  6. Tackling chemical and plastic pollutants in the world’s oceans

    Plymouth University Researchers at Plymouth University are playing a pioneering role in cleaning up our oceans. Pollutants research has identified the complex chemicals and plastics that end up in our oceans and new collaborative research has helped us to understand human littering behaviour better. Bringing these two strands together has helped turn the tide on […]

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  7. Using interactive technology to improve lives

    Nottingham Trent University Researchers at Nottingham Trent University have developed a new ‘serious games’ approach to rehabilitation that is helping patients overcome the effects of stroke and other disabilities. Many people who suffer a stroke are affected by the loss of functions including memory or muscle control. Stroke rehabilitation is a critical part of recovering […]

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  8. Decreasing educational exclusion to improve attainment and life chances

    Nottingham Trent University Researchers at Nottingham Trent University (NTU) are helping to increase inclusion and educational attainment for different groups of learners. Their work with children with Special Educational Needs, ethnic minorities and those with disabilities has been integrated into guidelines used by local, national and international education authorities, improving the life chances of thousands. […]

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  9. Cutting the environmental and financial costs of abrasive machining

    Liverpool John Moores University Researchers at Liverpool John Moores University have helped several major companies and SMEs to cut consumption, reduce waste and save costs through optimising and reducing the flow volume of cooling liquids used in abrasive machining. Work and tool temperatures are major issues in abrasive machining. It accounts for an estimated quarter […]

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