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  1. Expanding the role of universities in local economic growth

    Our chief executive, Maddalaine Ansell, will be speaking at the Westminster Higher Education Forum – Expanding the role of universities in local economic growth on 7 July 2015. She will be giving a presentation during the session on ‘encouraging greater entrepreneurship amongst staff and students’. For more information and the full programme, visit the Westminster Higher Education Forum […]

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  2. University Alliance responds to BIS’ Postgraduate loans consultation

    University Alliance has submitted a response to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills’ consultation on support for postgraduate study. The Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced in the Autumn Statement 2014 that the Government would introduce income-contingent loans for students under 30 who want to enrol on a postgraduate taught masters in any […]

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  3. Excellence at Coventry recognised

    The Guardian has announced today that Coventry University has reached “the highest position ever achieved by a former polytechnic in the Guardian league table of universities”. The Guardian goes on to say that in reaching number 15 in the table, it is higher than “many research-intensive universities, including Birmingham, Edinburgh, York, Leeds, Glasgow, Cardiff, Nottingham and Newcastle”. Maddalaine […]

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  4. Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research

    University Alliance signed up to the Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research in 2013.  The Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research outlines the expectations and responsibilities of research funders with respect to public engagement, to help embed public engagement in universities and research institutes. This will enhance the future of research and benefit the […]

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  5. You say you want a revolution…

    …well, we probably do all want to change the world.  And in powertrain engineering, change is happening at an unprecedented rate.  Driven by both legislation and consumer demand, vehicle and engine builders are investing billions to develop more economical, smaller and more lightweight drive systems.  Although the engine remains the heart of the powertrain, it […]

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  6. Green Gown Awards 2015

    Enter the Green Gown Awards now in their 11th year. Alliance CEO Maddalaine Ansell has joined the judging panel for this year’s awards, which recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK. All categories are open to any tertiary education establishment. With 14 categories, including 1 new Sustainability Professional Award and […]

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  7. Royal Society pairing scheme opens for 2015

    Each year the Royal Society pairing scheme pairs 30 research scientists with UK parliamentarians and civil servants. By spending time together in Westminster and the researcher’s lab, participants learn about each other’s work and gain a greater insight into how research findings can help inform policy making. A wonderful opportunity to gain first-hand experience working […]

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