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  1. THE: Budget 2015: fees can rise for universities with ‘high-quality teaching’

    Our response to the Chancellor’s Budget announcements for Higher Education was picked up in Times Higher Education‘s coverage. Mr Osborne announced that universities with “high-quality teaching” will be allowed to raise tuition fees in line with inflation from 2017-18.  The chancellor also confirmed in the Budget that student maintenance grants will be scrapped and switched to […]

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  2. University-Business collaboration is second nature to Alliance universities

    University Alliance welcomes the Dowling Report published today by the Royal Academy of Engineering which examines how we can better support relationships between UK businesses and the UK’s world-leading university researchers. Maddalaine Ansell, chief executive of University Alliance – Britain’s universities for cities and regions – said: “University-Business collaboration is essential to the success of […]

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  3. Our response to Universities Minister Jo Johnson’s speech on the value of higher education

    Today the Universities Minister Jo Johnson gave his first major speech on the government’s higher education policy since the election. In his speech he has reiterated the government’s recognition of the value of higher education to the success of the country but reminded the sector that it is vital they demonstrate value for money for […]

    Read more of: Our response to Universities Minister Jo Johnson’s speech on the value of higher education
  4. FT: Letter to the editor – Vocation v academic is a false dichotomy

    Read our letter to the Financial Times following recent coverage on the role of universities and colleges in delivering a skilled workforce for the UK. Sir, We disagree with Baroness Alison Wolf’s claim that the “UK’s education system was too skewed towards universities” (“UK employers warned of ‘mass exodus’ of skills as workers retire”, June 25). […]

    Read more of: FT: Letter to the editor – Vocation v academic is a false dichotomy
  5. The Guardian: Home students learn about the world from their international peers

    Our chief executive Maddalaine Ansell is quoted in a Guardian article on international students and the benefits they bring to UK students at university. The story which features short interviews with students at a number of universities including Sheffield Hallam University was inspired by a new survey commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) […]

    Read more of: The Guardian: Home students learn about the world from their international peers
  6. International students benefit our universities and the UK

    Maddalaine Ansell, Chief Executive of University Alliance – Britain’s universities for cities and regions – welcomed the new survey commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and the Higher Education Academy (HEA) which reveals that students believe they benefit in many ways from studying alongside people from other countries. She said: “Our universities offer […]

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  7. Research Fortnight: University Alliance goes it alone with PhD training partnership

    Twelve universities from the University Alliance of business-focused post-1992 institutions are launching a doctoral training partnership that is not sponsored by the research councils. The Doctoral Training Alliance in Applied Biosciences for Health, first mooted by the universities in March, will accept its first cohort of 24 students—two at each participating university—in the 2015-16 academic […]

    Read more of: Research Fortnight: University Alliance goes it alone with PhD training partnership